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The next few days were enjoyable and finally school is starting.

Pacifica, Gideon, and Allison brought you along to these crazy monster hunts. They told you it was something they did every other day after finding that journal Gideon was holding.

"Ah, sweetie. Don't forget to bring your violin to school!" Mom said in her usual cheerful manner. It's great to have your parent supporting you rather than pushing you to do harder. Dad... dad wasn't there to support me- maybe up in the Heavens he is.

"Yeah, ok. I don't want to go to school though," you groaned. "At least orchestra will be exciting..."

Your mom laughed. "I thought the same when I was young, maybe you'll get a boyfriend this time, [Name]. You're a junior in high school now and you've never been in a relationship! Go out more," she teased you.

"Mom!" You slung your [color] backpack over your shoulder and picked up your violin case. "I'm leaving, see you in the afternoon."

"Have a great first day!" You heard her call after walking out of the lodge's front door.

You sighed. At least you'll see Pacifica, Gideon, and Allison.


You slowly walked to lunch, tired from your previous classes. Sadly, your orchestra class was at the end of the day.

"Oh! [Name]! Over here!" You saw bubbly Pacifica shout at you when you walked in.

"Hey guys!" You greeted them happily and you sat down, bringing out your packed lunch.

There was only one lunch period due to the fact that there aren't many teenagers in Reverse Falls. Good thing that you could meet Allison, Pacifica, and Gideon at lunch every day.

Pacifica is the same age as you, meaning that you both are juniors, so you see her a lot in your classes, but Allison is a senior while Gideon was a sophomore.

"So, how was your day?" You say, trying to make conversation.

"Ah, it was great till-" Allison began before she was interrupted by loud shouts a few tables away from us.

You turned to see that same snobby lil' blue-eyed jerk arguing with another boy with a red sweatshirt.

"Huh, you think you're the best, viola?" The blue-eyed guy snarled at him.

(a/n: sounds like my middle school orchestra lmao)

"You violins are such showoffs. You purposely knocked over my stand to make the violas- and I, the principal viola- the laughing stock of the class last year, it's time you pay, Dipper!" The red sweatshirt guy retorted.

His name was Dipper? What, did his parents hate him or something to name him such a weird and unusual name?

The sweatshirt guy tried throwing a punch at Dipper but he instead caught it and pushed the guy towards the floor. "I think it's unwise to deal with a Gleeful, Marco."

I stood up abruptly, narrowing my eyes at them. "[Name]! Sit down," Gideon hissed at you softly. "It's better not to interfere."

"And let someone get hurt?" You retorted. "I'm going in."

"W-Wait! No-"

You ignored him and marched over to the two boys that were beginning to kick each other. You noticed another girl, smiling at them approvingly while two other girls were doing the same.

The girl in the front was wearing a similar outfit to Dipper- wait are they twins? They both have chocolatey brown hair and blue eyes. The girl wore a black and blue sailor dress and had the same identical blue gem as Dipper, on her headband. One of the two girls behind her wore glasses with a black collared shirt and a green skirt while the other (who seemed ready to fight someone) wore a pink shirt and blue jeans.

"What the hell are you doing?" You say, folding your arms at them.

They stopped pounding each other to look at you in confusion and the cafeteria grew silent when you joined in.

Dipper's eyes lit up in recognition. "Oh, isn't it the peasant from a few days ago," he smirked at you and brushed off his pants.

"And isn't it the snobby jerk from a few days ago," you say, mimicking his tone of voice. "Now answer my question, what the hell are you doing?"

"Fighting, of course. What do you think?"

Marco looked at you hopefully and snuck away from the situation where a blonde hair girl holding out a pair of scissors glared at him.

"Don't you think," you gestured at him and at the few bruises on his arms (He rolled up his sleeves). "This will get you in trouble with the principal of this school?"

"New here, aren't you?" Dipper looked at you in fake pity. "I'm a Gleeful, and no one messes with a Gleeful. I'll give you another warning, don't interfere with me and my sister's work." He turned away, nodding at- supposedly- his twin and her group of friends and left.

You caught the smirk the sailor dress girl was giving you.

You noticed that the cafeteria was slowly getting louder after conversations were being restored after the silence.

You shrugged at the students who were eyeing you hesitantly and enviously- who were mostly girls.

Walking back to your table, you were grabbed by the shoulders by Pacifica and she sat you down forcefully.

"What were you thinking! That was Dipper Gleeful, brother of Mabel Gleeful!" Pacifica exclaimed.

"Uhuh, and?" You said, bored.

"They're dangerous and also hot," she added. "But mostly dangerous."

"Half of the girls here are obsessed with Dipper Gleeful while half of the boys here are obsessed with Mabel Gleeful," Allison said.

"And..?" You said.

"Don't mess with them. They have a few cards up their sleeve that'll protect their reputation in Reverse Falls. They're also really rich- they have a mansion near here," Gideon said, jumping into the conversation.

Pacifica began to smile. "Though you're one of the girls that actually can stand up to him."

"What, everyone's either scared or lovestruck to even talk to him or stand up to him and his sister?" You say in disbelief.

"Hmm..." Pacifica tapped her chin thoughtfully. Pacifica's eyes lit up. "We'll take you to the Tent of Telepathy! Think of it as another monster hunt!"

"The tent of what?" You asked her curiously.

"The Tent of Telepathy is a little magic show the Gleeful twins host, maybe bringing you there will help us with our investigation with them since you're brave enough to encounter them." She grinned. "They're a little suspicious... Those gems they're wearing? I bet that's how they use magic."

"I'm in, sounds fun," you say, excited. "When are we going?"


"Never of course!" Gideon huffed, interrupting Pacifica. "Uncle Bud won't let us go to that hoax," he continued.

"Scared, Gideon?" Allison teased him. "I'm in, it's at least entertaining to watch."

"Well, let's go there after school then. We'll leave Gideon behind," Pacifica said. She lifted her fist. "Fist bump, girls?"

You casually fist bumped Pacifica, Allison doing the same. "Are you sure you're not going to join, Gideon?" You asked Gideon, nudging him.

"Hm. Maybe..." He said hesitantly.

"Great! Mystery squad!" Pacifica exclaimed. "This'll be fun."

[DISCONTINUED] Prodigy | Dipper Gleeful x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now