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You were currently in one of the Gleefuls' guest rooms in the mansion the day after. Awaiting the arrival of your friends and family was difficult since you were worried that something bad would happen.

Yesterday was quite boring because you were stuck in your room for the rest of the day, but you finally managed to fall asleep to some of your favorite classical music.

Your appointment with Stanford Gleeful was also delayed due to the... incident in the kitchen. It didn't matter if you met him now or later. You didn't care at this point- it wasn't important. What's important is the killer, the sly murderer that managed to kill a person without anyone seeing them. The chef wasn't able to see who it was because the attacker stabbed his eyes from behind. You pitied him. Sight was important as a musician.

You wrapped the blankets around you tighter. It felt insecure, being alone. Dipper supplied you with books from the huge library in the mansion and you still had your phone. Unlocking your phone, you ignored your personal social media and instead searched the news for information on the killer in Reverse Falls.

Scrolling through the feed of The Reverse Falls Gossiper, you found different types of information. Turns out, Stanley Gleeful already reported the attack during the final round of the masked competition yesterday.

You pressed play on the video involving the Gleeful and immediately winced at the volume of it. Turning the volume down, you kept your eyes glued to the screen.

"Mr. Gleeful, there are people on social media that are horrified by the sudden gunshot at one of your contestants, what are your thoughts?" Toby Determined, the news reporter, asked Stanley. The Gleeful grabbed the microphone and lifted it to his mouth.

You always thought it was strange that Stanley Gleeful wore an eyepatch over his left eye, leaving his right eye vulnerable. And how does he get used to overlapping the black eyepatch over his glasses?

"There is nothing to be concerned about," he said, in a honey-like voice. "The police are on them."

You raised an eyebrow at that. Dipper and Mabel personally told you not to tell the police about anything involving the secretive killer. Stanley was probably lying. The Gleefuls are too good at that. Weren't there police in Reverse Falls? Or was it true that the actual policemen you had in your town were a joke.

"We also had an eyewitness of the person who shot the gun. Our witness said that the person was wearing thick and baggy clothing," he continued. You stiffened at that. Allison. She was wearing a heavy jacket and sweatpants. "And the person managed to get through the secured entrance of the auditorium by knocking out the guards and escaping through the same entrance." Then again, that doesn't sound like Allison, but you can't trust someone within a first glance.

Allison hated gym, and she despised sweating. But of course, not everyone does. The Gleefuls excused themselves during gym by bribing the gym teacher to relax in the bleachers where Mabel would check her phone while rolling her eyes at Dipper occasionally, and he would taunt his other classmates who were actually exercising.

"Do you think that the murders of your contestants were killed by the person who shot the boy in the third round?" Toby inquired. "And would this effect the Gleeful family somehow?"

Stanley kept his nonchalant attitude on, but you could tell by the small twitch of the eye that the questions were getting a tad annoying. "We are still investigating the evidence we have so far," he said smoothly. "Now, I'm terribly busy. This interview is over."

"Yes, yes sir," Toby said, furiously writing in his notepad. "Thank you for your time." And the video ended there.

You groaned. You barely got anything out of that. There was nothing else on the page about what happened during the competition or, well, anything else.

[DISCONTINUED] Prodigy | Dipper Gleeful x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now