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Pacifica and Gideon guided you upstairs to the attic, their bedroom in the Mystery Shack. Pacifica's side was more cheerful and colorful (she has a stuffed unicorn unsurprisingly) where Gideon's side had a murder board and several crumpled up papers. His Journal sat on his nightstand.

"So, what is it?" You asked them. The day after the second round, Pacifica and Gideon practically dragged you towards your house despite the fact that you haven't even ate breakfast.

Gideon took a deep breath. "Take a look carefully at this murder board."

There were photos of Rebecca, Dipper, and Mabel. A picture of the Gleeful's gems were there and... "Why is Allison there?" You said, confused.

"You might not believe us, but promise us that you won't tell anyone." Pacifica pleaded, her face expression serious.

You nodded. "Besides, there isn't a lot of people to talk to excluding you two and Allison," you said. You didn't take a chance to make new friends. Allison was an exception though- she was the one who made the first move.

"After our adventure yesterday, we found out something strange with the Gleefuls, Allison, and you." Pacifica took in a deep breath. "Did you know that Allison had a younger sister? Her name was Grace. She committed suicide because of one specific event. An event involving one competition that you have participated in: the Masquerade competition."

"I've only competed in three, including this one."

"Yes, we're talking about the very first. You must remember a girl named Mia? She went against you in the third round."

You nodded, briefly remembering the brown-haired girl with black glasses. She took the defeat and gave you a hug, saying, 'Thank you for the opportunity.' "We were probably thirteen at the time," you said. "It didn't seem like she had a grudge against me..."

"Exactly. It turns out that Mia was Grace. Mia, of course, was her nickname in the competition," Gideon said, taking over. "That loss in the competition was the tilter for her- that's why she committed suicide in despair. And guess what? The cause of her despair is because of one specific person: Dipper Gleeful. And only him."

"So, I'm guessing Allison partially blames me. But she's been so nice to me so far!" You exclaim.

"Correct, but she despises you. We think she's plotting something bad. And how the Gleefuls are associated with Rebecca's death is also associated with her. Well, we don't have proof but-" Pacifica said.

"If you don't have proof, then I don't have anything against Allison. She's a really good friend," you said angrily. "I don't see why I need to be wary of her! And I don't care about Gleeful, he's acting strange but I barely know him." You look up at Pacifica and Gideon. "Actually, you all are acting strange. I'm going to leave now. See you at school." You left, not bothering to hear what your two friends would say to that.

You genuinely thought that Allison was someone who just misses her sister. She can't help but blame who might of caused her sister's death. Allison's just an innocent girl.

But things are going to get more twisted.


"Hey [Name]! How's your weekend?" Allison asked you cheerfully as she walked beside you in the school hallway. "I was busy this entire school day with helping out the freshman kids."

"Great. Hope they weren't too annoying." You smiled at her. See Paz and Gideon? Allison is a perfectly normal girl. "How's yours?"

"Boring. I had a project to do for my English teacher so I worked on that. Then I have to work on this stupid math packet that's technically like ten pages. Let's just say my teachers gave me a truckload of homework for me to do during the weekend," Allison said and laughed.

You gave her a smirk. "Lucky you."

"Oh, hey Pacifica!" Allison called after her.

You ignored Pacifica's warning glare. "I have something to do after school. You two can chat." You hardly wanted to talk to her, feeling awkward and at the same time felt accused.

"But [Name]-"

"Bye Allison." On that note, you walked out of the school entrance.

Outside, Dipper Gleeful was waiting for you by his black limo. You could see that Mabel was already inside, checking her makeup. As if this day could get any better.

"Ah, [Name]. Perfect timing. Care to chat?"

"Leave me alone, Gleeful." You grumbled.

"I recommend talking to my brother, [Name] [Last Name]." Mabel suddenly spoke, as she rolled down her window. She was working on her lipstick, gazing at her makeup mirror. "We have an important request."

You raised an eyebrow. "And what is that?"

"Our great uncle, Ford, would love to see your technique on the violin," Dipper announced.

You stared at them, stunned. "The, Stanford Gleeful? Founder of the best music school in the world? No way..."

Mabel rolled her eyes at Dipper. "I told you she'd be ecstatic. No doubt, I bet Ford would be impressed by her." She returned to her makeup, now reapplying her mascara.

"Shut up, Mabel." He glared at her. "I know." Dipper then returned his gaze at you. "You will come, correct?"

You nodded, your eyes shining. This could be the greatest opportunity ever! You had forgotten that the Gleeful family produced the best violinist ever- Why hadn't you noticed the resemblance? "I'd gladly accept. When should we meet?"

"Obviously you have the competition." Dipper smirked at you. "The day after that, Saturday, come to the Gleeful Mansion at 6 in the afternoon." He handed you a small card. "Show that to the guard outside the gate. He'll let you in."

You gratefully accepted it. "I... Don't know what to say."

"Thank this idiot here," Mabel said. "He's the one who referred you to our great uncle."

"Like I said, shut up, Mabel," Dipper muttered. "We'll have to leave now. Goodbye, [Name]. Also, don't forget what I said in Orchestra a few days ago."

You nodded, looking at him curiously. "Thank you, Dipper."

"My pleasure, [Name]." And the twins left.

You stood there, thinking about what he said. Strangely, what Pacifica and Gideon said seems similar to what the male Gleeful said to you in Orchestra. Perhaps there is something odd about Allison. Shaking her head, you cleared your thoughts. Even if everything seems suspicious, you'd rather just ignore everything. You have a few days of freedom before the competition, and you don't want anything to ruin it.

[DISCONTINUED] Prodigy | Dipper Gleeful x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now