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"Hey mom," you said, lifting your head up finally from finishing homework in the kitchen. "Can I go hang out with my friends now?"

"Where?" She asked curiously while stirring something in a pot.

"Oh, at the Tent of Telepathy. It's a magic show," you say, casually.

"Mm..." She eyed you suspiously. "Fine, have fun [Name]."

You nodded and slipped on your jean jacket over your black tee and navy blue jean shorts. You laced your [color] converse shoes and grabbed your phone and house keys next that were sitting on a table next to the door.

"Be back at 9, [Name]!" Mom shouted.

"Okay, see you!" You called back.

You took out your phone and dialed Pacifica's number. "Hey [Name]! Coming?" Her perky voice greeted her.

"Yeah, walking there now. Save me a seat?" You said.

"Absolutely! You'll have fun, it's pretty entertaining."

"I bet."

You both hung up with goodbyes and you continued walking.

You've never been to magic show, or witness any tricks, pranks, or anything in your life. You usually stay at home or practiced your violin outside.

Lost in thought, you found yourself in front of a pale blue tent with a multicolor star with an eye in the middle at the top.

"The Tent of Telepathy, huh?" You muttered.

You walked up to the entrance where a crowd of people were already paying and entering. The show must be popular, no wonder they're rich.

"Place your money in this bag and it'll disappear!" A man exclaimed, holding up a bag.

"Ah, that makes sense," a man nodded and placed some money in the bag.

What, are these people stupid or something? You ignored the guy gaining money with his little trick and entered the tent.

You noticed that Pacifica, Allison, and unsurprisingly Gideon sat in the back. You waved at them and sat next to Allison.

"Hey, so are we just going to investigate they're magical powers?" You joked, using your hands to pretend sparks of lightning was shooting out of your fingertips. Allison laughed, "I guess, I'm mostly here to watch."

It grew quiet when the tent grew dark and spotlight appeared on the stage. Suddenly, Mabel Gleeful appeared at the front and greeted us.

"Welcome to the Tent of Telepathy, the name's Mabel Gleeful and I'll be hosting your magic show for tonight," her voice echoed throughout the tent.

Cries of displeasure sounded from the girls in the front. "Where's Dipper?" One of them shouted.

Her smirk was visible when she said, "Ah, wouldn't want to forget my dearest twin brother. Dipper, you can come out now." She held up the cape she was holding and suddenly Dipper appeared, grabbing the cape from his sister's hands and wrapped it around his shoulders, hooking the clasp.

"Thank you, dearest twin sister," he smirked his signature smirk and looked around the audience, glancing at you for a moment. You looked away from him and you felt him smiling at you.

"For our first act, we'll need a volunteer," Dipper announced.

A chorus of screams were yelled from the girls in the front and you looked in disgust. Jesus Christ, Gleeful here does have a lot of fangirls.

He looked around the room, glancing from boy to girl, and his eyes landed on you for a second, but it then changed to look at Pacifica. "You," he said, pointing at Pacifica, who was right next to you.

You raised an eyebrow at Pacifica who shrugged. For a moment, you thought that he was pointing at you.

She stood up, grabbed his hand, and Dipper walked Pacifica towards towards the stage. What were his intentions?

"We will make the girl disappear, with this."

You saw Mabel's gem on her headband glow a bit and a box poofed on the stage.

Dipper gestured Pacifica to enter the box which she did and he closed the door to the box.

You observed the two twins' actions. Of course, you could tell the magic comes from the blue gems the two were wearing. The most intriguing thing though was where did they get the gems?

"In a count of three," Mabel said, "The girl will vanish. Dipper? Close the door, please."

Dipper closed the door of the box and nodded to Mabel.




Mabel snapped and Dipper opened the door of the box. Surprisingly, no one was there. Dipper stuck his hand in the empty space, showing that he couldn't touch anything.

You tapped your chin thoughtfully. Where would Pacifica go?

"And now, we'll bring the girl back," Mabel announced.

Dipper closed the door of the box once again and Mabel counted down from three to one.

And there she was.

Pacifica nervously looked around as the door of the box was opened again. The audience clapped as she slowly exited the box. Dipper grabbed her hand and lifted it up. "To our volunteer!"

"Whoa, that was awesome!" You exclaimed. "How did it happen?"

"Eh, nothing really happened." Pacifica said and shrugged when she sat down beside you. "I just simply stood there doing nothing- and felt nothing, though I noticed the gems that they were wearing were glowing whenever they did something magical."

"I wonder if we could find descriptions of the jewels in the Journal..." Gideon said thoughtfully.

[DISCONTINUED] Prodigy | Dipper Gleeful x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now