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Orchestra class.

You've been dreading it all day.

It was unnatural to approach your favorite class as if it were a monster, but this time was different. You were hardly mad at Allison. She barely knows about how the competition works and what privacy means in those standards.

Taking a deep breath, you entered the room. You noticed that no one glanced at your direction, some were chatting with their friends and others practiced their music. You sighed with relief until he spoke.

"Ah, so you are doing the competition?" Dipper said and smirked. You rolled your eyes in response and took a seat down in your chair, pulling out your violin. "Now, I can't resist the temptation to ask but, you must know about how my Grunkle is one of the judges?"

"Of course I do," you grumbled. "And if you think that you can somehow try to throw me out in the second round, try again."

Dipper chuckled at that. "Heavens, no. Why would I do that? Even if I'd actually wanted too..." He gazed off in the distance. "Someone would stop me. But apparently I don't need to." Dipper sighed as he placed his shoulder rest on his violin. "Look, let's start over. You may think I'm mean, selfish, narcissistic even, but I'm not. You might be explaining my sister honestly- or her friends."

Your gaze soften as you noticed that his gaze turned surprisingly vulnerable. "Go on."

"You would of probably figured this out now, but someone's plotting against you. You have to back out now until that someone takes a step further."

You raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying that I should back out of the competition? You must be joking. I'm not quitting. Try another tactic to trick me, Dipper."

"What? [Name], please. I'm telling the truth-"

"Save your excuses for later. I don't believe you," you said. "Now leave me alone."

Dipper opened his mouth to speak, thought about it, then closed it again. He seemed a bit anxious, by the way you saw him from the corner of your eye. He better have a good reason for his actions.

"Just know that, even if you don't believe me, someone will keep you safe, alright?"


On the day of the second round, you made yourself busy by buying groceries for your mom.

"Ah, [Name], you're back!" Your mom greeted you cheerfully as you finally got home from the grocery store. "I made your favorite meal to restore your energy before the second round of the competition."

You looked at the feast on the table, hungrily. Several different places served some of your favorite foods. "Mom, you don't need to do this..."

"Honey, you know this is a big night. All I can do is make your afternoon enjoyable," she smiled at you. "I also know that the competition is really important for you."

"Thanks Mom. Are you able to come for the second round today?"

"Sorry sweetie, but I can't. I have a patient undergoing surgery today, around the time that you're going to perform," Your mom said sadly. "I'll probably be able to hold off my appointments for the third round though. Before you say anything, I am absolutely sure that'll you're survive the second."

You smiled at that. "Absolutely!"

Spending your entire morning was fun with your mom. After eating, you both went out for a walk at the park. Grabbing ice cream at a nearby parlor, you and your mom sat on a bench.

"We better head home soon to get you ready. Are you friends going to be there too?" Mom asked you.

"Only Allison. Pacifica and Gideon... are busy." Your two friends were going on a secret mission to find out the source of the gems that the Gleeful twins wear. "Wait..." You squinted your eyes at someone in the distance. No way... it's Gray-Mask! He's probably heading towards the Town Hall.  Panicking, you whisper-shouted at your mom. "Hide me!"

"From who, [Name]...?"

Ducking behind the bench, you covered your face with your sleeve. "That black-haired boy, he's in the competition and got in the second round. Cover me before he sees me!"

You eyed the boy as he continued walking before he was out of your sight. You took a deep breath and exhaled. So close-

"Miss, are you alright?" you hear someone say, incredibly close to your ear and felt a tap on your shoulder.

Startled, you shrieked as you covered your face once again with your sleeve. From the corner of your eye, you fearfully look at the stranger's face. Darn, it's him!

"I'm guessing you're not," Gray-Mask said and held back a laugh.

Still covering your face, you replied. "No duh, Sherlock. I mean, whoever apparently talked very close to my ear happened to scare me half to death." If you weren't hiding your face, you would've shot him your best death-glare.

"I apologize, Miss. Well, have a great afternoon. Also, you should notice that you're sinking your white shoes in the mud..." He added and walked away.

You groaned at that and stepped away from the grass.

"Well he seems like a nice gentleman, [Name]." Your mother remarked after Gray-Mask left.

You sighed at that. "It's almost time for the second round. I'll have to get ready now, let's head home."

Now that you've though about it, your life is now surrounded by two boys. Your rival and one of the Gleeful twins. Strangely, you were comforted by their attempts to get to know you. You shook her head, clearing those thoughts. Now wasn't the time to think about men. You need to win the second round, clear the final, and finally approach your lifetime goal of peace and calm.

Get ready [Name]. Life is a bumpy road with twists and turns.

[DISCONTINUED] Prodigy | Dipper Gleeful x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now