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sorry about the long break on this book!! i've been working on the plot for some time now... and i have been occupied because school started.

enjoy this refresher about Allison and Grace since things might of gotten confusing! next chapter will be soon.

if you haven't realized this yet, i took the liberty of feeding you some lies about allison and grace. in the previous chapters, i fed some truth and fed some lies. it all clears up in this chapter.


A few days back, you had sneaked into Dipper Gleeful's room at night. To look for information about the mystery around Allison and Grace-- not to flirt with Dipper of course.

Shifting through the stacks of papers on his desk, you discovered a cover sheet that was labeled.

Allison and Grace Cygnet.

Intrigued, you flipped through its pages. It was Dipper's handwriting.

Side Note: Grace Cygnet had truly made this situation frustrating and confusing. I admire her trickery and cleverness. With information from Pacifica Southeast, Gideon Pines, and my one and only great uncle Stanford, I filtered out the truth and casted away the fake news and lies. This is the true story of Allison and Grace Cygnet.

Allison Cygnet, born 20XX. Two years before Grace Cygnet was born. Allison was the older sister of Grace Cygnet, but their appearances are almost alike. Both sisters have dark brown hair but Allison had worn glasses.

Allison Cygnet committed suicide during the Masked competition, the first one I (and [Name]) had participated in. Allison Cygnet was a contestant, not Grace Cygnet, for Grace was too young to participate.

The reason for Allison Cygnet's suicide is unknown, for now. Pacifica Southeast and Gideon Pines' accusation of my involvement with the suicide is incorrect. I have never interacted with her.

According to Stanford, Allison's attempted suicide did not kill her. She instead when to the hospital where [Name]'s father at the time was a doctor at the hospital. He failed to save her and so Daniel, Allison and Grace's father, blamed him. Daniel blamed Eric, [Name]'s father, for malpractice, even though Eric was innocent. Innocence did not save Eric though because Daniel supposedly had powerful contacts. In the end, Eric was in a 2 million dollar debt and was killed in Daniel's spite.

For 12 years, [Name] and her mother had been paying their debt by sending money to an anonymous address across the country. They have about $400,000 left to pay.

Side Note: The address was in an abandoned house in a middle of a cornfield. Packages were stacked on the porch (searched, and discovered to have money). Strange.

Allison Cygnet and Eric [Last Name] is dead and Daniel Cygnet had disappeared.

The clever Grace Cygnet took up Allison's identity and enrolled at the high school in Reverse Falls. I'd infer that she knew about [Name] and her mother and proceeded with her plan to ruin the Masquerade competition and [Name]'s life. She killed three people: Rebecca, Alicia and Sebastian. All three who were in the first competition and had beaten Grace's sister.

Her motive with [Name] is still unclear though. The money had been sent to an abandoned house and hasn't been touched in years. [Name]'s father had been murdered by Daniel because of Eric's failure. The price has been paid but why is Grace Cygnet still angry?

In this time period, two warnings had been delivered to us. One in the kitchen, and one personally delivered in [Name]'s house when we searched for her mother.

And that's when we wonder how to approach the hostage situation with [Name]'s mother. Obviously, a ransom hasn't been proposed yet.

Side Note: This is giving me a migraine. I should force Mabel to do this instead but she's too dumb.

I decided to go ahead and plan the gala so [Name] doesn't need to worry too much about her mother. A distraction from worry and despair.

With the gala, I also planned to use [Name] as bait. If [Name] persuades Grace to come, Grace would take action and we'll know what exactly she's doing. It's a test.

Side Note: I will be honest. Hopefully this information is correct or I will personally kill myself. Actually, wait. I'm too beautiful.

"[Name], what are you doing in my room?"

You whirled around and hid the papers behind your back. "Nothing--"

Dipper sighed. "You do know that I can tell when you're lying because of," he pointed at his gem, "right?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll go now--" You speed walked towards the door, still clutching the papers about the Cygnets.

"Wait, [Name]." The Gleeful grabbed your wrist before you could escape. You froze under his icy eyes. Dipper briefly glanced at the papers before kissing you on the forehead. "Sleep well, [Name]."

You gaped at him before saying, "Yeah-- yes, of course. You too," before dashing out of the room.

That irresistible and flirtatious Gleeful.

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