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"Ah, we're finally here [Name]," Your mother exclaimed happily. "Welcome to Reverse Falls!"

You looked away from your phone where you've been texting your friend, Pacifica Southeast and saw the lush green forests of Reverse Falls.

You laughed. "I guess we'll be taking hikes often in this beautiful place."

"Indeed, Reverse Falls is truly a weird wonder."

Your mom and you arrived at a lodge- big enough for two- in the woods. A big, shimmering lake sat beside it with a dock. Your mother carefully parked in the garage that came with the lodge and you both got out of the car. She opened the trunk of the car and you took out your luggage while she took out hers.

"The moving truck will come tomorrow, why not go out to town and check it out? You can bring your violin with you and check if there are music shops to restring your bow," your mom suggested. "You can also find Pacifica."

You nodded. Your bow was terribly out of shape after some rough playing. It would also be nice to meet Pacifica again after a long while.

You left your mom to take care of the house and the luggage while you looked around.

"Ah, there is a music shop," you murmured, looking at the sign. Wood Bridge.

A little bell rang when you opened the door and you brought your violin case over to the corner.

"Oh, new customer?" You heard someone say and you looked to see a girl walking out of the Worker's room.

"Yep," you answered. "Just moved here..." You glanced at her name tag. "Allison."

"Great!" She said cheerfully. "So what can I do for you?" Allison asked you.

"I need to restring my bow, most of the bow hairs came off and it's quite impossible to play with it now."

"Ah, we don't restring bows here... Would you like to buy a new bow instead?" Allison said anxiously.

"Yes, that's fine," you replied.

Allison nodded and went to the back of the store where the supply room was. She returned back with a mahogany colored bow with clean bow hairs.

"That'll be $10, ma'am."

"$10?" You blurted out. You shot an apologetic look at her. "Sorry, usually I pay around $50~$150 to buy a new one."

"Yeah... this shop is running slow since there are not many musicians and what not in these parts. That's why most of the items here are cheap," Allison said, sheepishly. "I'm not a musician myself,  even if my school- Reverse Falls High- allows students to freely choose orchestra as an elective. The school even provides students with low funds with free instruments. I only work here as community service."

"Oh, I'm also going to be at your high school this year!" You exclaimed. "At least I'm joining the 'musician club', I'm guessing you need more people interested in electives."

"Oh, that's great! Hey, you can always hang out with me. Pacifica and Gideon won't mind," she added.

"You know Pacifica? Me too, she's an old friend of mine. I'm not familiar with Gideon though..."

Suddenly, the familiar tune of your ringtone echoed in the store. "Whoops, gotta pick this up."

You answered it and lifted your phone to your ear. "Hello?"

"Hey sweetie. Just calling that the moving truck finally arrived. Come home soon, ok?" Your mom told you.

"Yep, see you soon," you hung up on that note and placed your phone in your pocket again.

You quickly teared a piece of your precious notebook from your bag and wrote down your number. "I have to go, but you can call me," you smiled at her. "Well, cheers to my new Reverse Falls friend."

You finally handed her $10 for the bow and tucked it in your violin case. You slung it over your shoulder.

"See you..."

"[Name]. [Name] [Last Name]."

"Bye [Name]!" She called, oblivious to the popularity of your name.

You expected that she didn't know you were well known as the "Prodigy Kid" in the States. From what you heard, not many people plays an instrument here. You actually felt pretty relieved. You hated being crowded by fans since you felt a bit uncomfortable.

You were interrupted with your thoughts when you slammed into someone's chest when you exited the store. You groaned as you landed on the ground and looked up at that someone.

"Watch where you're going, peasant," that someone snarled at you.

You looked up to see piercing blue eyes and chocolatey brown hair. The person wore a light blue dress vest over a collared shirt, accompanied by black dress shoes and pants. A sparkling gem was attached to his collar.

You raised an eyebrow at him. "Sorry," you tilted your head at him. "Looking so fine but you don't help a lady up? Rude."

You stood up and brushed off the dust on your black leggings then your [Favorite Band] sweatshirt.

"A smart remark like that wouldn't be taken so lightly in these parts. I'm warning you, [Name]," the blue-eyed boy said and walked off.

Huh, please. As if. That petty little boy should learn some manners.

Then you froze.

How on Earth does he know your name? Of course you're popular and all but the way the boy said it was like he knew all about you from head to toe.


You finally found the Mystery Shack, visiting Pacifica for a few moments before heading back home.

You entered the gift shop was immediately tackled by a hug. "[Name]!" The girl, squealed. "You came!"

You returned the hug and giggled. "Of course, we're besties, Pacifica!"

You both released the hug and Pacifica rained questions down on you. "How did your concerts go? Did you go on tour? How much money did you earn? Got a boyfriend? How about-"

"Slow down, Pacifica," a new voice interrupted her. You saw a short and chubby boy enter the room. He had a blue and white hat with a pine tree symbol labeled on it. He also wore a navy vest and an orange shirt.

"Ah, so you're Gideon," you remarked.

He nodded and you noticed he was clutching a journal, with a golden hand labeled "3" on it. "And you're the worldwide sensation."

"Yep," you said. "Just here to say some greetings, I also met your friend, Allison."

"Oh you met her? She's so nice! She's really good at drawing, coloring, um, digital drawing, digital coloring, uh-" Pacifica continued rambling on, describing Allison's talents. Energetic, isn't she?

You laughed at that, and you nodded at the two. "Well, I have to go now. Need to unpack and do all that moving stuff."

"See you, [Name]!" Pacifica shouted as you left.

While you walked home, you placed on your earbuds, listening to some uplifting music. You nodded your head to the beat and smiled.

It was a great first day here.

[DISCONTINUED] Prodigy | Dipper Gleeful x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now