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~Made this extra long so I don't keep dragging you guys C;

"I-I- don't understand!" You sputter. "You can't even come to the third round?"

Your mom sighed, closing her eyes. "Several doctors aren't able to come work at the hospital because of some business trip. I have to work double time to cover my coworkers' shifts." Weariness is stated clearly because of the dark circles under her eyes.

"In that case, I'll bring home the prize."

Today was the day of the third round, and the day after your appointment with Stanford Gleeful. The morning hours of school lay heavy on your shoulders but you still moved on, anxious to show off your talent.

Quickly grabbing your mask, slipping your feet into your black flats, and adjusting the skirt of your black dress, you headed out, hoisting your violin case over your shoulder.

You didn't even see Mabel Gleeful's black convertible right outside your house.

Freezing in your tracks, you gaped at her. "What're you doing here?"

With a quick swipe of her red lipstick, she glanced at you. "Get in. I'm driving you to the masquerade competition. My brother's other favor." Turning on the engine, she gestured you to come in. "Close your mouth. It's unladylike." Straight and direct. That's Mabel alright.

Shrugging at that, you got in, holding your violin case tightly. It's weird that the Gleefuls have an interest in you suddenly. You always got the gist that the Gleeful family is a strong and powerful family. To look powerful is to be powerful could be their motto.

"Since the masquerade competition is hosted by your family, how come I've never seen your brother there?" You inquired.

"He's always been there."

You look up at her in confusion. "What does that mean?"

"Dipper's interest in competitions died down in the past years. He's more of a... secret spectator of some sort. This year, I do not know what his intentions are in this year's competition."

"That definitely clears things up."

Mabel snorts. "I wish I could read my brother's mind. But our jewels don't extend that far... yet." She noticed your surprised look. "I'm pretty sure your friends Pacifica and Gideon has told you about our gems, no?"

You nod slowly, refusing to reveal any of your questions about the Gleefuls and Allison.

She smirked. "My brother and I might know a lot more than you do, [Name]. More than Pacifica and Gideon. Since you're getting involved with our family, I'm sure that our great uncles allow the privilege of you learning some of our secrets. For the benefit of your friends also."

You bit your lip. "Then, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Do you happen to know what the Journals are?"

Mabel suddenly hit the breaks right in the middle of the road- and thank God there was no car behind you two. Otherwise, you still lurched forward- luckily for the seatbelt- you didn't make impact with the dashboard.

Mabel sucked in a breath. "The Journals?" She said sharply. "What about them?"

"Well, you got your powers from the Journals, written by some unknown author. There are 3 journals, right?" You said slowly.

She nodded briskly. "And I know this author personally. God, no wonder my brother wants you involved. Even if he says he doesn't want you to. You've already passed over to the weird side like your friends."

[DISCONTINUED] Prodigy | Dipper Gleeful x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now