Chapter 5

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I've been awake for nearly six hours talking to Cas.

I look over at the clock. "It's nearly eleven." I say, getting up.

"You'd better tell your mother that you're about to leave."


And with that, Cas disappears. Earlier, he explained how he got to me so quickly and how he heard me call for him. He's able to 'teleport' from place to place. When I called for him, I 'prayed' to him. Not idolizing, but asking for help.

I walk over to Mom and slightly shake her shoulder. She mumbles sleepily but doesn't wake.

"Mom." I whisper, shaking her again, harder.

"Hmm...What?" She asks, opening her eyes slightly.

"I'm getting ready to go."

"Okay." She says. "Give me lovies."

I lean down and give her a kiss and a hug.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too, baby." She says, smiling sleepily. "Be careful."

"I will."

Mom rolls back over as I run out of the motel to see Sam and Dean climbing into a black Impala.

"Hop in." Sam says, opening the door for me.

I smile, sliding in to find that Cas is already inside.

"So. What're we hunting?" I ask, buckling up.

"Werewolf." Dean says, starting the engine and peeling out of the parking lot.

"Oooh. I've always wanted to see a werewolf." I say, wiggling in my seat.

"Well, we're not going for a meet 'n greet. We're hunting it to kill it." Dean says, looking at me in the rearview mirror.

"Kill it? Why?" I ask.

"Because it's killed over a dozen n people already." Sam says.

"Wait. Over a dozen people have mysteriously disappeared and no one has done anything yet?"

"That's how it usually works, yeah." Dean says.

After about twenty minutes of driving, Dean pulls up in front of the Linton Police Station.

"You and Cas stay in the car while Sam and I go inside." Dean says as I begin to unbuckle.

"Oh. Okay." I say, buckling back up.

"We'll be back in a few." Sam says before shutting his door.

"Don't worry." Cas says beside me. "It's nothing against you. They're just trying to keep you safe."

I smile at his comment. We start into an easy conversation when I hear a strange scraping sound.

"What was that?" I ask, looking out my window.

"I don't know." Cas says, looking around.

When the noise comes again, Cas opens his door.

"Stay inside." He says as he climbs out.

He looks around for a bit before walking back to the door. Before he gets back something grabs him and throws him across the parking lot.

"Cas!" I yell, climbing out of the Impala.

I run towards him and fall on my knees beside him. He's unconscious, blood leaking out of a wound at his temple.

Suddenly, two strong hands grasp my shoulders a d jerk me back.

I scream, kicking and thrashing as I'm dragged back away from Cas. Suddenly, my head connects with something hard and solid, knocking me unconscious.

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