Chapter 15

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*One Month Later*

*Caitlin's POV*

It's been a solid month and we've only found two out of the seventy missing persons and both of them were dead.

I sit in the kitchenette, looking through newspaper articles for some sort of evidence. Something we overlooked.

Suddenly, my stomach turns over and cramps up.

"Shit." I say, jumping up and running to the bathroom.

I barely make it past the door before I'm puking into the toilet. The front door opens.

"Caitlin?" Sam calls.

I cough and gag, gasping for breathe.

Something thumps to the ground in the living room followed by running feet.

"Caitlin?" Sam asks.

Sweat pours down my face as I look back at Sam, my breathe hitching. My stomach heaves again, sending me scrambling back to the toilet.

My hair gets pulled back away from my face and held at the back of my neck.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity later, my stomach settles. I lean back on the wall, breathing deeply.

"You alright?" Sam asks, worriedly.

"Am now." I reply quietly.

"What caused it?"

I look down at the floor, sighing deeply.

"A couple weeks ago, it started all of a sudden. I didn't know what caused it." I inhale, closing my eyes. "I've been lying to all of you. I did sleep with Matt. I've....been seeing him the entire time we've been here.

"Anyway, I got suspicious when my period was late. I went and got some pregnancy tests." Tears start streaming down my face and I start sobbing. "I took seven. They were all positive."

"Hey, hey, hey." Sam says, pulling me into a tight hug.

I sob into his chest as he rubs my back.

"It's okay." He soothes.

"No, it's not." I hiccup in between sobs. "I lied to you guys. Dad's gonna be pissed. Mom's gonna be pissed. Your probably pissed. I-"

"Stop." Sam says, pushing me back slightly to look in my eyes. "I'm not mad. Dean's not gonna be mad. He might be upset, but not mad. Your mom's not gonna be mad either. Does Matt know?"

I shake my head.

"You need to tell him."

"I know." I say, nodding.

"Well, you better go tell him then."

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