Chapter 23

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*Caitlin's POV*

"Are you serious?" Matt asks, his eyes wide.

I nod. "We're gonna have another baby."

He laughs, placing his hands on my stomach. I feel the familiar flutter as my new little baby move.


I turn to see Kristy waddling down the hall.

"Hi, baby." I say, bending down and holding my arms out towards her. "Come here."

She giggles and waddles faster. Once she's in my arms, I pick her up and spin her, earning more giggles and laughs.

"You're gonna be a big sister." I say, smiling brightly at her.

She cocks her head to the side. Suddenly, her focus is no longer on me. It's just over my shoulder.

"What're you looking at, baby?" I ask, turning around.

That's when I see him. The first time I've seen him in almost two years. Castiel.

There's blood splattered on his trench coat and his face. Two small children clutch each of his hands, a little boy and girl, their eyes wide and frightened.

"Cas." I say, handing Kristy to Matt as I rush forward. "What happened? Where's Claira?"

"I'll explain later. Right now I need Dean. There's something I need to discuss with him." Cas says, swaying in his feet.

"Wait. Is this your blood?" I ask, grabbing his shoulders as he stumbles.

"Most of it, yes. I encountered a demon with an angel blade. That's partially the reason I need to talk to him."

His legs suddenly buckle, sending me scrambling to keep him on his feet.

"Daddy?" The little girl whimpers, clutching Castiel's hand.

"I'm alright, Hanna." Cas reassures, lightly squeezing her hand. "Is there somewhere they can wait?"

"Yeah." I turn back to Matt, whom is looking at me with complete disbelief. "Matt, can you take these two to the library with Mary?"

"Yeah. Sure." Matt grits out, his eyes hard.

"Travis, Hanna, go with Matt. I'll be back in a minute. I promise." Cas says, releasing their hands.

The two do as they're told, the boy- Travis -holding Matt's hand while the girl- Hanna -holds Travis' hand as they walk down the hall.

"Come on. Dad and Uncle Sam are probably in kitchen." I say, throwing one of Cas' arms over my shoulders.

"Why is he mad at you?" Cas asks as we walk down the hall.

"Who, Matt?" I ask.

He nods, wincing in pain.

"I don't know. He wasn't mad are before."

"Does he know who I am?"

"Yeah. I told him who and what you are."

"Did you tell him what happened while I was gone with Claira?"

I look down at the floor. "Yeah. And I'm sorry. That wasn't my place. I should've-"

"That's why."

I look at Cas then, bewilderment evident on my face.

"I left when you needed me most. Because I left, you turned and nearly hurt your mother. You hurt Sam. You could've killed them both. And it wouldn't have been on your head. It would've been on mine. I was doo tangled up in self pity that I just had to numb the feeling. All feeling, really. So, instead of helping Sam and Dean look for you, I distracted myself with a woman I barely knew. A woman...who reminded me of you."

All I can do is stare at him, stunned into silence. That's when it clicks. He's talking about Claira in the past-tense.

"What happened to Claira?" I ask quietly.

"She's dead." Cas states, looking at the ground. "A demon came into our home and killed her trying to get to the twins. That's kind of what I'm here for. The demon told me something. Something that's going to happen. And it has to do with Dean. I've got to warn him and make sure that this never happens."

"Make sure what never happens?"

Cas looks up at me reluctantly, his eyes filled with sadness.

"You becoming a demon."

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