Chapter 20

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*Matt's POV*

Caitlin and I sit in the backseat next to Carine as Dean speeds down the road.

"Uhh....Dad?" Caitlin asks, her face pale and her eyes wide.

"What? What's wrong?" Dean asks, frantically.

"Pull over." She demands, her hand balled in a fist over her stomach. "NOW."

Dean stomps on the brakes and pulls over to the side of the road. Caitlin opens her door and stumbles out, barely getting three steps away from the car before vomiting in the ditch. I get out and hold her hair back and rub circles on her lower back.

After a few minutes, she gasps and leans back, tears in her eyes.

"Alright. I'm okay now." She says.

I help her to her feet and back into the Impala.

"You okay, sweetie?" Carine asks, rubbing her thigh.

"Yeah. I just get motion-sick really easy now." She says, rubbing her stomach. I think it's become a habit for her.

"Okay. Thought I'd ask." Carine replies, smiling before leaning back against the leather seat again.

"Are we almost there?" Caitlin asks. "I'm really hungry."

"Almost." Sam says, looking at the map he holds in his hands. "Probably about another seven hours."

Caitlin groans as Dean pulls back into traffic.

"Don't worry. We'll find someplace we can stop and eat." Dean says.

"I hope they have pie." Caitlin says, smiling. "I've been craving pie for weeks."

Sam laughs. "She's definitely your kid."

"No kidding."

*Caitlin's POV*

-After another hour and a half of driving, we found a little diner/motel and decided we'd stay the night after eating. But, we hadn't expected what happened next.-

We pull into the parking lot of Maurice's Bed and Breakfast. Sam and Dad get out first, followed by Mom and Matt, then me, which they practically had to yank me out of the Impala due to my size.

"I cannot wait until I have this kid." I joke, rubbing my stomach affectionately. "Then I won't have to waddle around everywhere."

They all laugh as we enter the small diner. There's only a few customers. An old man wearing a toboggan and old ratty clothes sits in the back, chugging coffee. A middle aged woman sits in a booth with three little boys eating waffles and drinking milkshakes. A teenage couple sit at the bar talking and laughing while eating pie and drinking pop. Hmmmm....pie.

Sam laughs. "She's just as bad as you are. Once she sees pie, that's all she thinks about."

My eyes widen. Must've said that last part out loud. Oops.

"Let's just get something to eat so I can go lay down for a little while. I'm exhausted." I say, waddling over to a table for five.

Once we're all seated, a woman with silky blonde hair and brilliant baby blue eyes walks up next to our table, notepad and pen in hand.

"What would y'all like to drink?" She asks with a sweet Southern accent.

"I'll take a Coke." Sam says.

"Do you have beer?" Dean asks.

"Sure do." The waitress replies, smiling.

"That's what I'll have." Dean says.

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