Chapter 22

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*Castiel's POV*

"Daddy!!!" Hanna exclaims as she comes running down the hall towards me.

"Hi!" I exclaim as I pick her up and hold her close.

She giggles as I tickle her side.

"Where's Mommy and Bubby?" I ask after she stops giggling.

"Mommy's talking to someone and Bubby's sleeping." She answers, pointing from mine and Claira's room to her's and Travis' room.

"Who's Mommy talking to?" I asks as I walk down the hall toward our room.

"I don't know. Someone named Ro-wen-ia."

I furrow my brow and quicken my pace.

I open the door and stop dead in my tracks before I'm even three steps into the room. Claira stands in front of Rowena, one of the most powerful witches on the face of the Earth and the mother of the King of Hell.

"You remember the agreement, do you not?" Rowena asks, her voice muddled severely by her thick Scottish accent. "You're first born child will be dedicated to the Mega Coven. You agreed to that."

"Yes, I'm aware. I didn't realize how serious the agreement was. I was sixteen, Rowena!" Claira fires back.

"Mommy?" Hanna whimpers, fisting her hands in my trench coat.

Claira spins around, her eyes wide and startled.

"Cas, run!" Claira screams.

Suddenly, Claira slumps to the floor, blood leaking out of her nose, mouth, and ears.

"Mommy!" Hanna screams, reaching towards Claira.

"Better run, little angel." Rowena says in a singsong voice, her eyes turning pitch black.

"You're not Rowena." I whisper.

"Of course not. This was only a disguise. Rowena has given up most of her old witch habits. That includes sacrifices of first borns."

Suddenly, it's no longer Rowena who stands in front of me. It's Caitlin, her eyes still pitch black.

"You remember her, don't you?" The demon asks, it's voice identical to Caitlin's. "You fell in love with her. A hunter. Well," the demon gestures down at herself, smiling impishly. "What you see is what you get."

"What do you mean?" I ask, noticing that Hanna has buried her head into my neck.

"You see, Cait will die soon. And dear old Daddy Dean will do anything to bring her back. So, he'll summon Crowley and ask for his help. One thing will lead to the other and BOOM. Little Cait's a demon."

"The only way someone can become a demon is if they're summoned back from Hell."

"Or die bearing the Mark of Cain. Oops!!" The demon smiles again, contorting Caitlin's features. "I've said too much. Oh, well. Best you hear it from me than Dean later on. Now, ill just be taking what's mine and be on my way."

And with that, the demon lunges at me, her hands curling into claws. Hanna screams, clinging to me. I hold out my hand, palm out and summon the heavenly fire that resides within me. Within seconds, the demon is dead, laying on its back, still wearing Caitlin's face.

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