Chapter 21

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*Caitlin's POV*

Finally, after two weeks of looking, Dad, Sam, and Matt found Damon and Enzo. Stefan took over for us so we could leave.

Sam and Dad decided to take us to a place called 'The Bunker'. Said it would be safer for me and Kristy.

*One Year Later*

I sit in a rocking chair, slowly rocking back and forth, Kristy's head laying on my chest.

Her hair is slowly turning from dirty blonde to brown. Her eyes are still baby blue but Matt and I think they'll turn green.

"Ma." Kristy says, patting my cheek.

I look down at her, smiling.

She said her first word when she was eight months old. Now she's a year old and she can say a total of ten words.

"Papa?" She asks.

"You want Papa?" I ask.

"Yeah!" She giggles.

"Lets go see Papa." I say, getting up from the chair.

I'm halfway down the hall when I hear a woman talking.

"Hey, boys. How've you been?"

When I round the corner, Sam and Dad are hugging a woman with short curly blonde hair.

"Dad?" I ask, adjusting Kristy on my hip.

The woman looks over Dad's shoulder and gasps when she sees me.

"Who's this?" She asks.

"Mom, this is Caitlin. Your granddaughter." Dad says, smiling at me. "Caitlin, this Mary. My mom. Your grandma."

"Hi." I say patting Kristy's bottom as she fusses.

"And this little cutie?" Mary asks, tickling her foot, causing her to giggle and kick.

"That's Kristena. Caitlin's daughter." Dad says.

"Her first name is Mary." I say, watching, waiting for her reaction.

She looks up and smiles brightly at me. "You named her...after me?"

I smile and nod. "Her first name in honor of you, her first middle name in honor of an old friend of mine from school, her second middle name in honor of my mom, and her last name is her father's."

"What's her full name?" She asks.

"Mary Kristena Marie Donavan." I say, smiling down at her. I look back up at Mary. "You wanna hold her?"

Mary's face lights up. "Yes."

I chuckle as I hand her off to Mary.

"Ma?" Kristy asks, reaching for me.

"You're okay." I say, holding her hand in mine. "She's not gonna hurt you. This is Nana."

"NaNa." She says, patting Mary's cheek.

"Yeah, that's Nana."

Mary smiles and bounces Kristy on her hip. Kristy vocalizes as she's being bounced, making us all laugh.

Suddenly, my stomach churns and saliva rushes to my mouth.

"I'll be back." I say, turning and rushing to the bathroom.

"Ma?" Kristy calls after me.

Once I'm in the bathroom, I fall to the floor in front of the toilet and vomit.

"Caitlin?" Dad asks, rushing in after me.

"I'm okay." I rasp, leaning away from the toilet.

"You sure?" He asks, rubbing my back.

I nod. My stomach churns again. Spoke too soon.

I scramble back to the toilet and puke again.

"No, you're not." Dad says, holding my hair back as I continue to vomit. "Are you pregnant again?"

I'm unable to answer as I gag and cough. After my stomach stops heaving, I lean back against the bathroom wall, hand over my mouth.

"Can you go get my emergency bag?" I ask. (My emergency bag has all my feminine products in it, including pregnancy tests.)

"Yeah." Dad says, getting up and rushing to my room.

I flush the toilet as I get up off the floor. I sit on the lid and wait. I wish Mom were here right now. But her and Matt when on a supply run and won't be back for another two hours.

Dad comes back in holding my little blue emergency bag in his hand.

"Here you go." He says before walking out, closing the door behind him.

I dig through the contents, looking for the pregnancy tests. I find them clear at the bottom. There's still six left. I end up using all six.

I sit on the toilet, waiting for the results when I hear Sam, Dad, and Mary talking quietly.

"Is she alright?" Sam asks.

"I think she's pregnant again." Dad says.

"Are you sure?" Mary asks. "I mean, how old is Kristy?"

"It's been a year now. I hope she knows what she's getting into."

Five minutes later, I jump up and look at my results.

Test 1: Negative
Test 2: Positive
Test 3: Positive
Test 4: Positive
Test 5: Positive
Test 6: Positive

Holy shit. I'm pregnant again.

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