Chapter 9

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*Castiel's POV*

I left soon after Caitlin went missing, not wanting to face Dean's-or Carine's, for that matter-wrath.

I sit at a bar, staring at the bartender. She has long blonde hair pulled back in a French braid, although I have no idea why it's called a French braid. She wears a casual black dress along with a silver necklace with a single crystal that rests in the center of her chest.

"What can I get you?" She asks, her voice pulling me out of my own observations.

"Just some water, please." I reply.

She smiles kindly. "Coming right up."

She turns around and opens a mini fridge and pulls out a bottle of water.

"Here you go." She says, sliding the bottle over to me.

"Thank you."

I drain half the bottle at once.

"Jeez." She exclaims. "Thirsty, we're we?"

"A bit." I reply.

"Is there anything else you'd like?"

I look up at her, my stomach clench. Her eyes....They're the same shade of green as Caitlin's. I gulp.

"Give me your hardest drink."

"Alright." She says, taken slightly aback by my answer.

She examines the alcohol and picks up a clear bottle with clear fluid. "Let's start with some vodka first."


Ten shots of vodka and three full glasses of bourbon later, my vision is blurring so bad I can't see straight and my speech is so slurred that even I don't know what I'm saying.

"Hey, my shift ends in a few minutes. Why don't I take you back to my place so you can get some rest?"

What I meant to say was, "That would be fine." But what came out was, "Thte w e fie."

She chuckles, patting me on the shoulder. "I'll take that as a yes."

An hour and a half later, I'm stumbling out of the bartender's car. She lives in an apartment building on the fifth floor.

I try to walk up the stairs without assistance, but I overcompensate and end up falling face first into the stairs.


She pulls me back up to my feet and helps me the rest of the way up the stairs to her apartment. Once inside, she leads me to her bedroom and sits me down.

"Thank you...uh..." That's when I realise she never told me her name.

"Claira. Claira Plythe."

"Thank you, Claira."

"You're welcome....."

"Cas. Cas...." I scramble for a last name and say the first one that comes to mind. "Havaen. Cas Havaen."

"You're welcome, Cas."

She stands there, awkwardly shifting her weight from foot to foot.

"Claira, are you in a relationship?"

My question seems to take her off guard.

"N-no." She stammered.

"Good." I say, standing up.

I wrap my arms around her waist and pulls her against me. Before I can talk myself out of it, I smash my lips against hers. She exclaims, but doesn't pull away.

In a flurry of motion, we're on the bed, our bodies tangling together.

This is just the kind of distraction I was looking for.

I hear someone calling my name, but I'm too drunk and distracted to give it a second thought.

(Hey!!! Author here!! Okay, don't hate me for this chapter. But it'll work out...soon enough. But, till then, you'll just have to trust me and hang on for the ride. :-D Bye, for now!!!!)

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