Chapter 13

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*Caitlin's POV*

I managed to convince Dad to let me borrow the Impala so I could go drive around town to the families of the abducted.

"Fine. I'll let you drive Baby. But, you put a scratch on her...all hell will break loose."  He'd said before handing me the keys.

I've been to nearly twenty homes and I still have fifty left to go.

I groan as I look at the clock on the dash which reads 9:50 p.m. Local bar it is.

I pull out my phone and text Mom and tell her I probably won't be back until late and to not worry. Once the text is sent, I start Baby up and drive down to the bar.

I walk up to the bar and flop down on the stool.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asks, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Beer, please." I say. I've never had anything alcoholic before so I figured I'd give it try.

"Make that two."

I glance over to find Sheriff Donavan sitting next to me.

"On me." He adds, smiling.

The bartender sets two cold beers down in front of us. "There you are."

"Thank you." I say, picking up my beer.

Before I can talk myself out of it, I lift the beer up to my lips, taking a sip. It burns my mouth and throat, causing me to cough horribly.

Sheriff Donavan laughs. "Never had alcohol before, have we?"

"No." I croak.

He laughs again. "Drink it fast. Doesn't burn as bad."

I follow his advice and gulp down some of the burning liquid. And he was right. It didn't burn as bad.

Three beers later, everything is all fuzzy.

"I think I'm drunk." I say, my speech slightly slurred.

He chuckles. "Just a little."

"I should probably head home." I say, sliding off the bar stool. I lose my balance and nearly face plant into the floor. Probably would have too had Matt not caught me.

"Actually, how 'bout you take me back to your place?" I say, smiling idiotically.

"Sure." He says.

On the way to Matt's house, I call Mom.

"Caitlin? Honey, where are you?" Mom asks.

"I'm a little-" I hiccup. "Drunk. Sheriff Donavan's letting me crash at his place. I'll bring the car back in the morning. Tell Dad I love him and I'll bring Baby back in perfect condition. I love you."

"I love you too, baby. I'll see you in the morning. Take care."

"I will. Bye."

I hang up the phone and stuff it in my pocket.

"Who'd you call?" Matt asks.

"My mom." I say.

"You're Mom live here?"

"No. She comes with me when I go places for work."

He nods.

About ten minutes later, we pull up in front of his house. He helps me inside and into his bedroom.

"Here. You take the bed. I'll take the couch." He says, setting me down on the bed.

"But, I don't want you to sleep on the couch." I say with a mock pout. "I want you to sleep with me."

I grab his arm and pull him onto the bed. He exclaims in surprise as I crawl into his lap.

"Look, kid, I think you should think this through."

"I'm not a kid." I say, slightly hitting his chest. "And my name is Caitlin."

And with that I lean down and smash my lips against his.

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