Chapter 14

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*Caitlin's POV*

I wake to Matt smiling down at me.

"Mornin', gorgeous." He says, leaning down and kissing my lips.

"Morning." I mumble, giggling.

He pulls away and lays down next to me. I lay my head down on his chest as he wraps his arm around me.

"You sleep good?" He asks as he plays with my hair.

"Mmhh." I mumble, nodding. "Do you have to be at work anytime soon?"

"Nope. You?"

I smile mischievously. "Nope."

He smiles again. "Good."

And with that, he flips me on my back, eliciting an eruption of giggles from me. He crawls on top of me, placing his hips between my thighs.

"'Cause you're not leaving this bed for  a while."

*Castiel's POV*

"What the hell's taking her so long?" Dean asks, placing back and forth in the middle of the room.

"She's on her way. She just texted me." Carine says, trying to reassure Dean.

"Okay. But why did it take her so long?"

Carine sighs. "She'd had a few drinks. She didn't want to drive home and risk crashing. Sheriff Donavan offered to let her stay with him for the night."

"And you let her?!"

"She's eighteen. She can make her own decisions."

The familiar rumble of the Impala's engine quiets the two's argument. A second rumble accompanies the first. Two car doors open and close.

The front door opens to reveal Caitlin and some man with blonde hair and blue eyes. They're laughing and....holding hands.

"What took you so long?" Dean demands, glaring at the pair.

"Sorry, Dad." Caitlin says, sounding genuine. "I woke up with a horrible headache, so I decided to sleep it off."

"Alright." Dean says, turning his attention to the man. "What did you do last night?"

The man shuffles his feet nervously, looking over at Caitlin for an answer.

I tap into his mind, wondering what he's thinking. And I instantly regret it.

Images of him and Caitlin lying in a bed together, the sheets tangled around their bodies as they kiss and touch.

I look away, breaking the connection. They slept together?!?!

"Nothing." Caitlin says, squeezing the man's hand. "Matt and I had had a few drinks. We both knew we had to work today, so we went to bed."

"Together?" He prods.

"Dad." Caitlin says, releasing Matt's hand. "Yes. But that's all we did, was sleep."

Sure it was.

"It better of been." Dean threatens.

Caitlin smiles and rolls her eyes.

"Well, uh." Matt says, clearing his throat. "I need- I should- I gotta go to work."

"Okay. I'll walk you out." Caitlin says.

As they start out, Caitlin finally spots me. Her eyes widen in shock and surprise before narrowing into slits.

Two minutes later, Matt's engine turns over and he drives away. Caitlin stomps back in, her eyes settling on me.

"You. Outside. NOW." She growls, her eyes fierce.

I stand and do as I'm told. She follows me out, closing the front door behind us.

"I don't want to be in a public place right now." Caitlin says, walking over to the Impala. "Get in."

"Where are we going?" I ask, getting in next to her.

"I don't know. Somewhere where there aren't witnesses." She replies, gunning the ignition.

After thirty minutes of driving, an unexpected question comes tumbling out of my mouth.

"You slept with the Sheriff?"

She stomps on the brake, causing the tires to squeal. I don't have my seat belt on, so my head bashes against the dashboard.

"Ow." I say, wiping away the blood trickling out of the laceration.

"You deserved that, you asshole!!" She screams. "Get the hell out of the car."



I get out and stand on the side of the road. She gets out after me, slamming the door.

"How'd you know that?!" She screams in my face.

"I....saw it in his thoughts." I say, reluctantly.

Her eyes widen, turning from light green to amber yellow. "YOU WHAT?!"

"I read his mind." I say.

Her nose flares as she rears her first back, punching me in the face.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" She screams as she continues to punch me in various places. "Since when is my life, let alone my SEX LIFE, any of your business?!"

"I'm sorry." I say, taking the blows in stride. "I know what I did was wrong."

"Damn straight it's wrong!!" She screams, kicking legs out from beneath me.

And with that, she gets back into the car and drives away, leaving me bloody and broken.

(Hey!! Author here!! How'd you like this chapter? How do you like the Matlin ship? Well, that's all for now. Bye!!)

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