Chapter 18

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*Caitlin's POV*

I lay alone in my room when someone knocks on my bedroom door.

"What?" I snap.

"Caitlin, baby, it's me." Mom says through the door. "Can I come in?"

I could use some Mom/Daughter time.
"Yeah." I say, flipping over into my side, curling into a ball.

She opens the door, her eyes trailing from my face to my stomach and back again.

"Sam told you, didn't he?" I ask, wrapping my arms around my stomach protectively.

She nods. She closes the door behind her and comes and sits at the foot of the bed. "He did. He told me you were really upset about it."

"Well, yeah. I lied to you guys. I told you that Matt and I hadn't slept together, but we had and now I'm pregnant and Matt thinks I'm some lying lunatic and-"

"Baby." Mom says, rubbing my thigh. "I knew from the moment you and Matt came walking in that morning holding hands that you'd had sex."

"Seriously?" I ask, sitting up.

"Yes, seriously. The way you two looked at each other was pretty much a dead give away. I figured it was only a matter of time before you came up pregnant."

I smile. "Well, that makes it a little easier to bare, I guess. But, Mom, I think I made a mistake."

"What? You getting pregnant?"

"No. Matt knows that we're not FBI agents. I was trying to explain why we were here and what we were doing, but he didn't believe me. Now he thinks I'm crazy, for sure. And now that I'm pregnant with his baby....I just don't know what to do."

"Hey, Caitlin!" Sam calls from the living room. "There's someone here to see you!"

Mom and I shared a look before walking out together.

Matt stands just inside the door wearing casual clothes.

"Come to call me a liar again?" I ask, wrapping my arms around my stomach which is starting to become a habit.

"No." Matt replies, his tone soft. "I came to apologize."

He hands me a case file nearly identical to the file on Sam and Dad he was reading earlier.

"What is this?" I ask, taking the file.

"It's everything I know about the missing persons. It's not a horde of vampires." Matt looks me dead in the eyes. "It's only two."

"Two vampires caused all this?" Sam asks.

"Yeah." Matt says.

"Wait. You know about vampires?" I ask.

"Yes." He says. "And I know them both. Damon Salvador and Lorenzo St. John. They went missing over nine months ago, right around the disappearances started happening. Damon's brother, Stefan, converged with Bonnie Bennett, Enzo's girlfriend, and Caroline Forbes, Stefan's girlfriend, and began tracking Damon and Enzo's movements across the country. They still haven't caught up with them."

I hand the case file to Sam. "Show this to Dad."

Sam nods. "Carine, wanna come?"

Mom smiles and kisses my forehead before turning to Matt and smiling. "It was nice meeting you, Sheriff Donavan."

"Please. Call me Matt."

She nods, smiling.

"I'll see you after while, baby." Mom says, following Sam into the kitchenette.

"'Kay." I say, my eyes never leaving Matt's.

Once Mom and Sam turn the corner, Matt walks up and places his hands on my hips.

"Is it true?" He asks. "Are you pregnant?"

I smile, placing his hands on my stomach. I nod.

He laughs, his eyes lighting up with joy. He leans down and kisses me softly on the lips.

"We're going to be parents."

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