Chapter 37

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The team was surprised you weren't in your bed you looked like you had disappeared which to them scared the team. Tony and Nat to them this was their worst nightmare, Tony started to freak out "w-w-what if she heard what we were saying. Wha-at if she didn't want us!" Nat was looking at Tony as he started to freak out about you leaving them because maybe you didn't want them anymore. Nat was feeling the same way, they all were but right now the rest were hiding it better than Tony was.
You were hiding in your closet because you thought it was intruders. But you realized what the kids well adults now, but they wanted you to adopt them? Wow who would have thought of that. You opened your closet door only for Clint to point a gun at your head " oh y/n I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that I'm so sorry. I swear if I had known it was you wouldn't have pointed my gun at you." You gently hugged Clint " shhh it's okay I know it wasn't on purpose. I know that I'm not mad at you." You just held him while he had a little freak out about what he had done. When you had your back turned you didn't see Tony and Steve let out tears.
When you did turn around after Clint was done freaking out. You looked at the team. "Guys I heard what you said and my answer is yes" the whole team looked shocked. They hadn't truly planned for you to tell them you would adopt them but now that they heard it. They all couldn't help but smile. Tony ran at you and nearly nocked you over "thank you thank you thank you! You won't regret it I promise." You just held tony and let him have his happy moment, he didn't get very many. And you weren't going to stop him from being happy. You looked around the room at the rest of the team. They attached themselves to you physically like they had emotionally.
You loved them all like they are your children even if some of them are 90 something years old. And even then some are older than you are. But you wouldn't trade this feeling for the world it made you feel like you belonged somewhere.

Tony's Pov
Hearing that (y/n) is going to adopt us made me so happy. I couldn't imagine anyone adopting me no matter what she would be my mom in my eyes and if my mom was still alive I knew she would approve. (Y/n) was sweet, loving, badass, and caring about all of us. Even me when I'm being an ass. But she's still here and she has fought to keep us by her side.

Clints pov
I pointed a gun at the woman who had become a mother figure to me. WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND DOES THAT!!!! She held me even though I pointed a gun at her and still she agreed to adopt us. She's either crazy or she really loves us. I'm kinda hoping that she just really loves us.

Steves pov
It's been a while since I've had my mom. I still remember when she died and (y/n) reminds me of her in so many ways. She loves without judgment, she isn't afraid to stand up for us, she doesn't take crap from anyone. She's the only woman who I think my mom would be proud to see taking care of me.

Thors pov
Seeing the way she has cared for us all has made me believe that maybe theirs a chance for me and my brother to make it. We still have a fighting chance even after we lost our mother.

Natasha's Pov
I never thought that after everything I have done that someone could love me and care for me like I'm their own daughter but here (y/n) is treating us with the love some of us have craved since we were little kids. It's the best feeling I've felt in years and without wanting anything from me.

bruce pov

I was very happy at this development, she put up with me when I was in child form. I knew when I was 'little bruce' that she cared about us. I mean who puts up with a little child with a rage problem, I loved (Y/N) she made me feel like less of a monster and the big guy likes having her around. Plus I didn't get in trouble for almost destroying something

lokis pov

I could see the hope on all of their faces, who knew that she would actually agree with taking us on as her children. she shows me affection I would have only gotten from Frigga on Asgard, she would be proud that we found someone like lady (Y/N). she loves us even after some of the things that we have done, no matter the age. I am about a hundred years her senior and she still scares me when she yells at me. And anyone who can forgive the sins I have caused is well worth my trust. Because we are Ohana.

(Y/N) pov

I look at all of my children in a way, I could tell some of them were still in shock but that happens, Loki looks more surprised than anyone. I know his story from what he told me when he was little but other than that he really doesn't like to talk about it much. then we have Thor, the god of thunder and pop tarts. he was sweet kind and caring. We had Natasha, rough around the edges but a sour patch kid. We had tony, snarky little bastard with a heart of gold. Or titanium alloy. We have Bruce my little (well big now) rage monster, always loyal never wanting to cause harm. Clint a child at heart with a deadly love for family, also it doesn't help that he plays with his favorite toy in the tower.and last you had Steve one of your oldest children with a heart of gold, he would give you the shirt off his back if he thought you needed it. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~after paperwork is filed~and civil war is happeing~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

they are now my children... and they are at war with each other, you thought you had taught them that people may do terrible things but they all deserve a chance. now you watched as they fought hidden from sight. you couldn't watch this any longer.

you ran outside of the airport terminal. "HEY!!!!"  tony, steve, clint, nat. they all froze. the fighting ceased. you walked closer to them. "what is the matter with you two?!, I leave for a week to see Loki and Thor and when I return you start a war because of Steve's old friend!" the king of Wakanda had the nerve to speak to you " you don't understand what this man has done, the crimes he has committed, and the people he has murdered" you looked at him with the hardest glare you could muster " no but what I do understand with a stable mind is, he was brainwashed and controlled, he had no control over anything that he did. but you seem to thinks it is wise to punish a man over something he couldn't control. and tony you disappoint me too, you are family. was all this necessary, what if one of you had been killed or seriously hurt? do you forget that what you do also affects me? and I've already lost Bruce to god knows where. I don't want to lose you as well." you stared at him with fleeting disappointment and tony felt ashamed and you turned your head to Steve " I know you want to do what is right, and I am not asking you to sign the accords or give up on your friend. but you also have to remember everything in this life comes at a cost too" 

you look at the adults around you " you should all be ashamed for not being rational" the adults and one teen spider boy.. or whatever he called himself spoke up "im sorry ma'am but who are you?" you looked at him "the only responsible one here"

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