chapter twelve

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A few minutes later, Steve had officially calmed down and Natasha emerged from her room.

You heard a window shut quickly then suddenly... a roar.

~ Earlier ~

Bruce had been sleeping peacefully before he stirred at the sound of your voice, as you examined the cookie mess from before.

He smiled, knowing that you would come for him soon. You always did. He was a patient, sweet little baby and he knew when to get your attention and when to simply wait for you to come. As his chocolate brown eyes gazed at his room he suddenly saw a dark figure emerge next to his window.

It was a man, wearing all black, peeking into his window and smirking deviously.

"I got 'em boss." The man said quietly into his walkie talkie then opened the window quietly.

Bruce looked very nervous and his human self softly growled at him.

"I... ATE THE COOKIES... FROM THE COOKIE JAR!" Steve cried out from the other room. His voice was so loud that you couldn't hear anything that was happening in Bruce's room.

"The kid can't turn hulk as a baby." The man informed into his walkie talkie. "Yeah I'm sure. ... Should I kill him? ... Well what should I- Yeah I listened to what you- ... Kill ___ first?"

Bruce's eyes glared angrily and he looked unafraid and fearless as his skin started to turn green...

The man looked up from his device with wide eyes at the sight and Bruce roared loudly.

Needless to say... the guys fled.

~Present time~

You quickly entered Bruce's room and shut the door. Your eyes went wide at the sight before you. Your little Brucie had turned hulk.

"___? Are you ok?" Came Tony's voice from behind the door.

"Y-Yeah. I'm fi-"


"Are you sure?"

The miniature hulk was ripping apart the room and bouncing off the walls, almost busting out of the window at one point. But you caught him mid-air before that could happen.

You held him tightly and hummed a tune you knew to try and calm him down while "greenbean" thrashed around angrily.

"H-Hulk S-S-S" The baby hulk stuttered with the words his subconscious knew but his conscious mind denied.

You rocked him softly until he eventually relented and slowly turned back into his human form, though he was now about a year old.

Coulson wasn't kidding when he said it might change Bruce differently...

After beakfast, you called Agent Coulson and told him about the incident.
"Do you know what caused it?" Coulson asked.

"I'm not sure... I heard a window shut, maybe he got scared of the noise?"

"... I don't know. I better go over there with a few agents and inspect his room just to make sure."

"Are you positive that's necessary?"

"Someone might have tried to break in. They might have left a clue as to who they were or whom they work for."

"You're right. How soon can you come b-"

"I'm already here."

You turned around and there stood Coulson at the doorway, barely hanging up his phone as he looked at you.

"Who's that?" Asked Thor, with a mouth full of poptarts.

"That's Phil." Said Steve.

"Uh, his first name is agent." Tony corrected.

Steve rolled his eyes while Phil tried to keep his inner fan-boy self under control at the site of baby Steve.

"Hello Sir. It's good to meet you." Steve said politely and extended his hand to shake Coulson's.

Coulson grinned and shook his hand before Steve went off to play.

"They're all so innocent looking, even-"

You glared at him harshly, knowing that if he finished that sentence Loki would feel hurt.

"They're all wonderful." Phil gulped nervously and you had a pleasant smile soon after.

. . . One hour passes . . .

"It's official."

"A break in?" You mouthed as the kids played in the living room.

Coulson nodded.

"But why?"

Coulson nodded over to them. "They're valuable."

You sighed. They were more valuable to you than they would ever be to anyone else.

"I'm going to double the security we already put around the house." Coulson said.

"Wait, so... you had security around my house and they still got in? Don't you think that's a little-"

Loki came up to you. "I made a picture I want show you it."

"In a minute ok sweetie?"

He had sad blue-green puppy dog eyes and pouting lips. "S-So this stranger is more important than me?"

"No, of course not! I just-" You sighed and looked at Coulson apologetically. "Anyway, just make sure they do their job ok? Because they mean the world to me."

Coulson nodded and Cap came up to him, handing him some cards with his childlike signature on all of them. "There you are sir."

"Thanks!" Coulson said happily and put them in his briefcase before leaving with his crew.

"Ta da!" Loki squeaked, showing you the picture he drew.

You grinned. "It looks lovely, would you like to explain it to me?"

"Uh huh. See this, is Thor." He said, pointing to the red colored stick figure. "And that's me." He pointed to the green stick figure. "And we are going to see you at your house cuz you're making cookies for us."

"Why are you in a forest?" You asked curiously.

"Umm uhh I don't know... Well I'm supposed to be in the forrest but Thor isn't but I couldn't draw it that way or it'd be weird. He's got a compass see. And... yep."

"What are all those red dots in the forrest?"

"Those are Jotun eyes. They're always in my dreams trying to get me."

You looked sad.

"But don't worry cuz I know we'll make it to your house." Loki grinned and moved on from coloring to his next toy.

You took the picture and added it to the other on your fridge.

One was from Clint, it had two big clouds and it was raining arrows.

One was Thor's which was a picture of all of you climbing, "poptart" mountain.

Another was from Natasha. It was of her and Clint getting married. (Clint wasn't too happy about that.)

Cap was pretty good at drawing and colored all of you watching Toy Story in the living room, with Thor munching on popcorn and Tony looking upset.

Tony had been taking different pictures of things you all did and had some pretty good ones too. (Even one of the kids trying to get the cookie jar down)

Now you added Loki's second picture to the fridge. Right next to the one where he drew himself giving you a flower.

You sighed happily. Everything would be alright. Loki was making tons of progress and Shield was going to keep you all safe.

At least you hoped.

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