chapter fiffteen

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You and Coulson walked outside to his black SUV where he drove down the street to who knows where.

You were a little nervous. "Phil?"

"Yes ___?" He replied kindly.

"Where are we going?"

"I'm afraid that's classified." He responded.

Your nerves grew and you looked out the window to try and sooth your anxiety.

Sensing your uneasiness he added, "It's just a safe place for us to talk, nothing more." He looked concerned for you since you were now taping your foot nervously.

"Ok." You said, still unsure.

You were starting to regret leaving the little ones there, Tony was probably really stressed out right now. "Maybe we should go ba-"

"I can only help you if you let me." He interrupted gently.

You sighed and when he parked you saw a small coffee shop that was just a little ways away from the other stores. "This is the safe place?" You said incredulously.

Coulson smiled knowingly. "Don't believe everything you see, ___."

You looked a bit confused and stepped out of the vehicle and walked into the cafe with Coulson and he put his finger to his ear to control some sort of device and for a brief instant, the supposed customers and workers flickered like a hologram.

You looked amazed and confused and wondered what Tony might think of the technology. Perhaps he even created it when he was his adult self.

"Right this way Miss ___." Coulson said and escorted you to a particular portion of the side wall. He pushed the center of a flower on the wallpaper which opened up a secret panal. After he put in a code, the wall opened up and you two stepped inside the sound proof room. It was a simple room that reminded you a bit of a really nice waiting room. It had one small modern fountain and two brown leather couches.
You two sat on opposite chairs and you stared at the pale green carpet, thinking of your sweet Loki.

"I understand that this must be hard for you." Coulson said, but you barely heard him through your worry.

If they took Loki away he'd be lost forever you knew it. The others you would sorely miss but they would at least-

"But Director Fury is only looking out for their safety as well as your own." Coulson's voiced continued.

And what of little Bruce?! Perhaps you could help him cope with his condition as he got older! You were filled with anxiety but you shook your head, ignoring Coulson for the moment.

No, you could not let them take him or any of them. No one would get in your way. You would fight tooth and nail to keep them safe from harm.

"___? Are you alright?"

You looked at him, startled. "No I'm not. I want to go back to them, I-I should have never have left. For all I know, Fury is taking them to some cold facility as we speak!"

Coulson looked surprised by your sudden energy and took hold of your arm being gentle enough not to harm you. "Please understand, I want to help you. I can convince Fury to let you keep them with you."

You sighed nervously. "Y-You can?"

He nodded with a friendly smile.

"Well... alright."

"He's... umm... Well, he's having agents transfer them as we speak but-"

"What?!" You nearly screeched.

"But he should still be there and we can convince him while there."

You were nearly seething with anger and anxiety as you ran to the car.

. . .

You clutched the handle on the inside of the car door as Coulson drove.

"Can't you drive faster?!" You said, nearly panicking.

Coulson ignored your question. "Don't worry they'll be safe and even if Fury has taken them, I know where they will be and I will take you there, I promise."

You heard what he said but it didn't ease the knot you had in your stomach.

What if Fury took them somewhere Coulson didn't know and you never saw them again? You had a sort of protective instinct that they would be gone when you got there.

The instant Coulson parked you uncliked your seatbelt and ran out of the car.

The Shield agents were there, thank goodness. You quickly ran to the door and stepped inside.

There was Fury who was just about to say something to you when suddenly he was shot.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion as you saw the traitor Shield agents grab each child right in front of your eyes.

It took Loki's small shriek to snap you out of your trance and just as you were about to run to them someone put a gun to your head.

"No!!!" Thor yelled with tears in his blue eyes.

"Let her go." Tony said as with panicked eyes while being held back by an agent.

"N-No hurt! ... No green!" Bruce's little voice squeaked.

The agent that threatened you looked thoughtful as he pressed the gun closer to your head.

"Don't hurt her please!!!" Loki cried desperately.

Suddenly the man that threatened you fell to the ground and someone was now dragging you away from the scene. "It's too dangerous." You heard Coulson say as you struggled against him. "No! Let go of me!!! They'll be killed!" You said, trying to get to them while the other agents looked confused. A helicopter loomed above and a few agents as well as the kids were beginning to load it.

"They don't want them dead. We will find them I promise you." Coulson said and tried to get you to the car.

"And what good is your word?!" You snapped and just as you were free from his grasp the helicopter had already taken flight and as it flew it took your little ones farther and farther away from you.

You dropped to your knees in sorrow. "I... I'm sorry." You said, barley audible, even to your own ears. You felt numb, barely feeling the tears that streamed down your cheeks. An overwhelming feeling of guilt, fear and hopelessness burdened you while Coulson tended to Fury.

How on Earth were you going to find them...?

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