chapter twenty

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Now past the dangers of the alligators you three walked in peace. Relatively speaking.

You walked miles and miles through the dark forest, pushing past shrubbery and holding onto Ward's arm, since he made you give him his goggles back after the first few steps.

There was a bluish white light in the distance and you were beginning to feel like Marlin and Dory from "Finding Nemo".

Poor Thor cried when Nemo was kidnapped, and hugged his brother while Loki tried to get away. 'No diver is ever going to take you away.' The little blonde boy had said earnestly.

You felt emotion rise into your throat and took a deep breath. Just like the over protective clown fish, you would battle sharks (or in this case, gators) to get your babies back.

The light became brighter and brighter, until night vision goggles were no longer needed, and the agents took them off.

Brighter and brighter still, and at last you had found the facility.

It was a huge, steel, industrial looking building, surrounded by trees and tower and a searchlight at the top.

They seemed to be somewhat alert, since their only look out had not radioed in when he was supposed to.

"Alright." Coulson spoke into his earpiece to Sky while you three were hidden behind the trees.

"What do you need?" Asked Sky, ready on her laptop.

"I need you to hack into their security camera's, tell me where the kids are, then use previous footage to make us invisable."

"You got it chief." Sky responded.

You were nervous, incredibly so. Your hands were shaking and your palms sweaty. You didn't know how you would feel if you had to kill a human being. You weren't used to causing that type of violence.

"They're in a type of... glass bubble. They are all together with two guys inside. The others must be monitoring the building.... yep, they are. I'd be careful if I were you." Sky said.

"Roger that." Coulson said, then looked back at you three. "Ward, see if you can take out the guys uptop without them noticing."

"You got it." Ward said seriously, and went to work.

"May, as soon as I give the signal, I want you to clear the halls, then find as much information as you can about who's behind this." Coulson instructed.

May nodded in understanding.

"___, you're coming with me, we're going to retrieve the avengers, and Loki and then-" He pushed a button on his earpiece. "I want you to get the ship over to us as soon as I tell you to."

"But sir." Simmons said through the earpiece. "None of us know how to fly a plane."

May rolled her eyes. "There's a manual located in the cockpit. Read it. You have approzimately one hour to learn, or we're all dead. Understand?"

Simmons sighed nervously. "Yes."


"Now, Agent May!" Coulson whispered, and the agile woman sprinted across the unguarded land and to the silver double doors, using a decive to bypass the password and open it up without a sound.

"Sir. Are you sure you don't want me to help?" Ward asked from atop the building.

"No, stay up there, we need you to flag down the bus when they come looking." Coulson said through the earpiece.

"I just think it would be better if ___ were doing this. It'd be safer."

"Under usual circumstances yes, but we don't know what to expect. She has conviction. Plus, you never mess with a mother bear's cubs."

You smiled softly then followed Coulson into the facility and down the seemingly empty hallways. It was so eery... It gave you the chills.

Agent May had taken out a good majority of the watchmen, which worked out very well for you and Coulson.

"This way." Coulson said after he looked at the simple map he had downloaded of the building on his phone.

You both turned left, and walked down the long hallway. There were doors lined up on either side, almost like an indoor high school, except creepier, and painted all white.

You turned right and was startled to see a large man standing there. Luckily, Coulson had killed him quickly silently before the guard could do anything.

You two continued walking down the hall until you saw two steel rimmed glass doors.

And just beyond them where the tiny Avengers and little Loki, all sleeping on the cold floor of their bubble like cell.

As you watched them, Coulson used the same type of device May had, and opened up the door.

As soon as he did so, the two guards Sky talked about turned around and, you shot one of them square in the eyes with your silenced pistol while Coulson shot the other twice in the chest with his.

You were very glad that the children were asleep so they wouldn't have to witness the violence.

You walked up to the control panel and pushed a button to raise the dome up, freeing the sleeping munchkins.

"Bring the plane around."Coulson said through his earpiece while you hurried over to them.

"Tony, Tony, wake up." You said, shaking him.

"What, huh? ... ___?" He said, a little groggy from sleep, as he held Bruce in his arms.

"We came to rescue you all." You said, while Coulson picked up baby agents, Natasha and Clint, who were slowly waking up.

You grabbed Loki and Thor and woke up Steve, who then put his arms around your neck from behind and held onto you, with his shield strapped onto his back.

Now having grabbed everyone, you, Coulson and Tony ran out of the room, towards the exit, with Agent May joining you a few moments later.

"Sir, I don't think we should bring Loki I-"

"I don't have time for this Agent May." Coulson snapped, while you heard footsteps from the top floor run down the stairs.

"___? Is that you?" Asked a very sweet and very sleepy Loki.

"How could you say that? I love sprinkles." Thor muttered in his sleep.

"Yes sweetie, it's me." You said, frantically trying to get out of there while the mini super soldier was practically choking you to death.

You three finally found the exit but when you did, you saw that the plane was surrounded by angry gators.

"Oh no!" Natasha squeaked.

"Don't worry... Umm..." Coulson said nervously.

"I'll stop them ma'am." Steve said, letting go of your neck.

"No! Steve! Stop!" You yelled, waking up Thor by accident.

"Mjolnir!!" He yelled, and summoned his hammer to him.

"Show off." Loki muttered, just as the shiny weapon reached his small fist.

Thor jumped off of you and used his hammer much like a bat and wacked them around.

"I can show off too." Loki said, and projected illusions of himself all over, thoroughly confusing the gators while Steve wacked them with his shield.

There seemed to be too many of them and so, Loki projected an image of a huge T-Rex, making the fake beast roar and the gators scampered off in fear.

"And you call me a show off." Thor muttered.

"Hey guys, what do you know, we won. Even without greenbean." Tony laughed.

Bruce giggled, then Agent May hurried the rest of you along.

And so, with Ward already on the plane and armed men on your tail, you ran inside and breathed a sigh of relief as the ramp rose up and the plane flew higher and higher into the sky.

Earth's tinest heroes and little Loki were safe and sound, once again.

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