chapter thirty two

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After having said a long good-bye to Tony and Bruce, you assured that you would see them again, and you left down the elevator to meet up with Coulson, who was in the lobby.

You looked around a bit, trying to find him through the mess of suited people. When you finally did however, none other than Director Fury was standing right beside him.

"What on Earth do you think you're doing?" Fury commanded, clearly upset.

"Please don't be angry with her, I told her that she could." Phil tried to explain, while you looked a little startled.

"When did he get here?" You asked Phil.

"About a minute ago. I haven't recived my lashing yet." Coulson explained almost humerously.

"This isn't a joke, agent. Do you realize what is at stake here? Their memories of their adult selves could be erased!" Fury exclaimed.

"But they weren't." You boldly spoke up. "I talked with both Bruce and Tony and they didn't seem to forget anything. They wanted to remember both experiences and so they did."

Fury looked unamused but couldn't help but see your logic. ...Somewhat.

"Maybe you got lucky this time, but I am not about to risk it with my other agents." Fury said.

"But sir I-" You tried to argue but Phil stepped in for you.

"With all do respect Director, this woman has poured her heart into those kids who are now your agents and avengers. She just wants to see them again and they want to see her I'm sure." Phil said, while Fury contemplated his options.

"Okay. But, I want you to monitor the situation, if anything goes wrong, I want her out of there, understood?" Fury decided.

Phil nodded. "Understood."

"Good. Now come on, I'll give you a ride to base."

...Hours Later...

Upon entering the large steel doors of the Shield base, you realized that it wasn't as hidden as you thought it would be. Perhaps it was a decoy base? Knowing Shield, it probably was.

But Shield protocal really wasn't your priority right now. Currently, you just wanted to see your darling Steve, Clint, and Natasha. And once again there was a knot of anxiety in your stomach, wondering if indeed they would remember you.

"They should be in the meeting room right now, waiting for me." Director Fury explained as he lead both you and Phil through the hallways, until you finally reached your destination.

Through the steel and glass doors you went, and immediately, you saw the three people that you'd been looking for.

Steve swiveled a bit in his chair to get a good look at you then stood up, his blonde locks nearly the same as when he was younger. And although his stature was much taller and stronger than before, his honorable eyes still shone the same.

He looked at you for so long, you began to wonder if he remembered you. (Especially since Clint and Natasha were particularly silent.)

Nervously, you held your hands together, waiting for him to make the first move.

Then, he brought up his hand to the side of his face and saluted you. "Welcome back ma'am." He said respectfully.

With a happy heart, you instantly hurried over to him and hugged him.

"Steve, you remembered!" You said happily, holding him close.

"How could I forget you?" Steve asked and pulled back just slightly so he could look at you, then smiled.

You noticed a hat on the table and saw the army pin that the elderly man had given him, placed neatly into the fabric.

"A soldier never forgets a comrade." Steve said with a sad but fond smile, as he looked at the pin, then at you. "I was glad I got to see him again. And I hope I don't let you down." Steve said earnestly.

"I'm already proud of you Steve, you've done so much. You are such a trustworthy and honorable man, this is one of the few constants I can hold on to." You replied lovingly, and gently held onto his arm while looking into his eyes with a small smile.

"Thank you ma'am." The super soldier replied with joyful bright blue eyes, that hinted of the innocence you knew little Steve to have.

"Umm... Cap?" Clint finally said. "I don't mean to interrupt but... Who is she?"

"Yes, and how do you know her? Can she be trusted?" Natasha asked, all business.

"Relax guys, it's just ___." Steve chuckled, then grew serious when he saw their unwavering suspicion. "You... really don't remember do you?"

Natasha just glanced between you and Steve, wanting answers. And Clint polished a few of his arrows with a simple rag.

You smiled, remembering when Clint would shoot those orange suction cup "arrows" at people, and how angry Loki was when he shot one right at his forehead.

"You've certainly moved up from your old toy." You said with mixed feelings of happiness and sorrow.

"Yeah, those weren't the right type anyway, too heavy. But, knowing me, it still went wherever... I wanted it to..." Clint said, his voice showing signs of understanding near the end of his statement. "How did I... How did- Natasha."

"Yeah?" She responded evenly.

"You liked Barbies!" Clint exclaimed and Natasha looked very unamused.

"Clint, if this is another one of your stupid jokes I swear-"

"No, no! Loki turned us into kids remember? And you used to follow me everywhere." Clint chuckled.

"Uh huh, sure."

"Tasha listen to me, I'm not joking about this. Ask Cap, he'll tell you." Clint insisted.

Natasha rolled her eyes then looked at Steve for a response. He simply nodded, as did Clint to reassure her and suddenly the memories came flooding back.

"I... I remember now. We went on the carousel didn't we?" The infamous agent asked you for assurance.

"Yes." You nodded.

"I remember that... And when I was on the carousel I remember feeling innocent again, like I could do anything I wanted to do... I almost wish I didn't remember it, then I wouldn't miss it so much. That feeling of freedom." Natasha murmered sadly to herself, while Clint moved toward her and put a gentle arm around her shoulder.

"But you have to want to remember both the past and present if you want to keep it at all.." You explained as kindly as possible.

"I won't forget. Don't worry." The redhead assured.

"Yeah, we won't forget." Clint chimmed in honestly, and you went over to them and gave them a group hug.

"I love you all so much, be good okay?" You asked worriedly, as you all pulled away.

"Yes mom." Clint said humerously and you laughed.

"We better get going if we want to contact Thor before nightfall." Phil whispered to you and suddenly you froze.


You were so insanely worried about him that just the thought of it made you run twenty different scenarios through your mind. "Y-You're right." You agreed and Steve stepped in to give you an extra hug.

"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked kindly.

"Yes but, I don't think you should. If Loki isn't well-" A sob caught in your throat and released in a whimper against the super soldier's shoulder.

"There, there." Steve said soothingly, still as sweet as ever. "It'll be okay. He'll want to remember you, I'm sure. If not now, he will convince himself later. He isn't all bad."

You smiled, happy that someone other than you or Thor shared your perspective.

"Now, be safe alright? I don't want to have to go to another realm and beat someone up." Steve said with only slight humor to his voice.

You smiled in a sort of silent laugh, and then he kissed the top of your head good-bye.

"I'll see you soon." You told the trio, in your heart feeling nervous yet again for what was to come. You were going to see Thor and Loki soon, and you weren't sure what was going to happen next.

You waved a final bye to your grown up kiddies, then walked down the corridors with Phil and Fury, until you reached a tech room and let inside.

Phil lead you to what they called a contact platform and said, "Agent Williams, contact Thor for me please

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