chapter twenty nine

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As you moved your group towards the gift shop, you introduced the little ones to their surprise.

You had gotten them each their own pair of customized mickey ears, with their name sewn on the hat beforehand. (You had left the line at Dumbo for a moment to get it done.)

The kids squealed happily and with excited eyes, reached for the Mickey ears and you gladly helped them put the hat on, thinking of how adorable they all looked. Even Coulson and you had a pair on. And Tony promised to wear his off and on.

"Do you like them?" You asked them sweetly.

"Yeah!" Natasha exclaimed and clapped her hands.

"Thank you ma'am." Steve said politely, taking care to put the military metal on his mouse ears instead of his other hat.

"These mouse ears are a strange Midgardian custom." Thor noticed with an amused smile. "But I quite like them!"

"I like my golden ears." Loki decided calmly and reached up to touch the mouse ears on his head.

"I thought you would." You chuckled, then very sweetly fixed Coulson's hat. "You look far too sophisticated, Phil." You joked good naturedly.

Coulson chuckled. "You think so? Just wait 'til you see me in a tiara." He jested and gave a you pair of ears to wear.

You smiled, then went to the cashier to make sure everything was paid for, then headed for Space Mountain.

Once in the huge line that zigged and zagged through the metaphorical maze which was located on the roof of a building, you waited and waited for about fourty minutes. However, despite the length of the line, their little mouse ears never ceased to be adorable. Especially with Steve's military theme, Natasha's Minnie bow, and Loki and Thor having mouse ears that matched their well known colors. Emerald green and red.

When you had finally reached the front of the line, Agent May made sure to take care of Baby Bruce while the little one's and the other adults went on the ride.

"Say bye-bye Brucie baby." You smiled and waved to him from the cart.

Bruce raised his chubby little hand and blew you a kiss. "Bye mama."

You smiled and waved bye to your sweet little guy. "See you soon darling."

He gurgled, then waved at Tony. "Bye-bye ant'ony."

Tony chuckled and waved goodbye while Loki looked up at you with adoring eyes from the seat beside you.

"Ready little guy?" You asked him, to confirm.

He nodded. "I'm always ready."

The ride went along the indoor track with little lighting, just enough to see and went up to what one would asume would be space, as an optical illusion swirled around in the lit tunnel. Up and up it went, while music played and an astronaut spoke.

Then suddenly the whole area reveled with stars and beautiful galaxys, making it seem as though you really were in space as you continued to go further up until the count down began..


The music changed to an faster song and the ride spiraled down along the track at a medium pace, which might have made a few hats fly off if they hadn't been in their proper pouches.

Loki had a faint but amused smile on his face, as if he were having fun, but knew he could handle an even scarier ride.

"This is just like the bifrost isn't it brother?!" Thor exclaimed with his arms raised up high.

Poor Clint was a little nervous at first, having not really been on any rollercoasters before but, Natasha reasured him by simply holding his hand during the ride.

Little Steve's blonde locks got blown about as the coaster continued it's track. He was a little uneasy, but had fun regardless.

The ride continued until a flash brightened the area signaling that their picture had been taken and the ride slowed down, and pulled back into the station.

"I wanna see the picture!" Natasha said once you all had gotten out of the cart, mouse ears back on.

Baby bruce began getting a bit fussy, wanting to be held by you and you gladly gave Agent May a bit of a break.

After walking a few stairs you reached the place where pictures were shown and you giggled upon seeing it.

Loki was smirking, while Thor had two enthusiastic fists in the air, Clint and Natasha were holding hands, Natasha looking a bit more confident while Clint had slid down a bit in his seat.

Tony had made a simple peace sign while you smiled genuinely.

Cap had saluted once he felt the ride slowing down and luckily the camera had caught it. While Coulson, the kind, middle age man with mouse ears on his head, seemed to be having the time of his life next to tiny Captain America.

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