chapter sixteen

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You didn't notice that Coulson had called for back up since you were overwhelmed with emotion, so you were startled when Coulson helped you up.

"W-What's going on?" You asked, your voice a little hoarse.

"There isn't enough room in the helicopter for us." Coulson explained as you just now noticed the sound of the propellers flying Fury away to a Shield hospital.

Before you knew it you were buckled up in the same black SUV that you came in and Coulson was driving away from your house.

You looked at it with a sad fondness, remembering all of the time you spent with your mini Avengers. (And little Loki.)

You pulled out a picture that you had taken of all of them together and sighed.

After a few seconds, your brain finally aloud your ears to hear what Coulson was saying. "...they are going to meet us there. We have some great minds on the bus, I'm sure we'll find them soon."

You had been listening but still staring at the picture with a blank expression.

About thirty minutes later the car stopped. You didn't notice.

Coulson looked guilty and sympathetic and gently took one of your hands. As he did so, your eyes slowly looked up at him.

His eyes looked earnest. "I'm sorry. I didn't think this would happen. And even though you have every right to doubt me right now, I will prove to you that I will make sure we find them."

You nodded slightly and put your photo neatly in your jeans pocket. You had expected a bus as he said but instead were greeted by a huge aircraft. (Which they apparently called the bus.)

Coulson drove inside through the platform that was lowered to the ground. The car clicked in place by some kind of mechanism and as soon as the platform was pulled up the plane took flight.

Coulson left the car and was greeted by a few people while you sat in the car, just thinking.

"Who's she?" Asked a peppy young woman with brown hair.

"Her name is (f/n) (l/n)." Coulson explained.

An tough looking Asian woman had a knowing look in her eyes while the others didn't see the significance of your name.

The Asian woman spoke up. "Do you think it wise to bring her here? Her assignment is for level 7 personnel only."

"Trust me, this is important." Coulson assured then turned to look your way. "Come on miss ___, why don't I introduce you to the people who are going to help us."

You slowly emerged from the vehicle and walked towards the group of people.

"This is Fitz and Simmons." He said, gesturing to the man and woman standing next to eachother. "They are two of the brightest minds we have in Shield."

They smiled and the woman said, "Hi."

You smiled slightly.

"My name's Sky." The dark brown haired woman said.

"And this is Agent Ward." Coulson said, now gesturing to the muscular man.

"Pleasure to meet you ma'am." He said, professional yet friendly.

His greeting made you think of Steve and you took a deep breath to somehow sooth your aching heart.

The Asian woman noticed this and spoke up in an sympathetic and even tone, "We will find them."

Coulson looked surprised. "You know about this Agent May?"

"Know about what?" Sky asked.

Agent May ignored her question. "They informed me when I was updated on Fury's condition."

"How is he?" You asked.

"He's stable. He should be fine with a few months rest."

"He isn't going to like that." Coulson chuckled.

"Ok, what's going on?" Sky asked, being persistent.

"___, was assigned to take care of the Avengers as well as Loki Laufeyson when Loki had turned them into children."

"She had to take care of Loki too?" Agent Ward said, concerned and a little confused.

Agent May nodded, though, she did not explain how the accident happened.

"He must have been horrible." Agent Ward commented.

You instantly became protective and you glared at him intensely. "Don't you dare speak ill of him." You said sternly.

The others looked a little confused

Agent May gave Coulson a short nod as a signal that she wanted to speak to him alone.

You were too upset to notice this and they left down the hall.

"I'm sorry, it's just he was a major problem for Shield... He almost killed Coulson."

"I'm aware." You said, quiet, yet strong. "And I do not condone what he has done, but you don't know him like I do. He's hurt and lonely."

"But that doesn't excuse what he's done." Sky countered.

"I never said it did. I can help change his future not his past, I don't deny that."

Meanwhile, Phil and Agent May were having a simular conversation.

"She's become too attached them. Particularly Loki." Agent May said with emotionless eyes.

"I know." Phil said quietly.

"I knew this would happen. She shouldn't have been assigned to this mission, she isn't trained like us."

Phil sighed. "But that's exactly why I assigned her to it. I know her past, she's compassionate and kind. The kids would be just another mission to anyone else, or a novelty to others. They wouldn't get the care they deserved. Being so young, things like a warm hug or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich matter to them at that age."

Agent May's stern gaze softened just slightly.

"I don't regret my decision to bring her on. But I do regret not trusting her..."

"You couldn't have known." Agent May assured.

Coulson stayed silent while May had a thought, "When we find them, we will have to keep her away from Loki so we can take him to a-"

"No." Coulson interrupted.


"You heard me. I'm not going to do that to her." He shook his head adamantly.

She looked shocked. (Or as shocked as the silent agent would allow) "I understand that she is attatched to Loki. Overly attached. But, he is a danger to us, if we rely on sentiment he will destroy us. Child or not, he is still the twisted soul that tried to conquer the Earth. ... And almost ended your life." She said, her tone more sorrowful near the end of her statement.

Coulson sighed. "I know. ... You know... Loki detested sentiment too..."

She cocked her head slightly.

Coulson continued. "But that's because he didn't know the power it holds. That's what makes humans different, we appreciate kindness. We feel empathy because we are all fragile. More fragile than we had ever known, as it turns out... ___'s sentiment is what will change Loki. ...Maybe it already has." He smiled slightly.

Agent May shook her head. "I don't understand why you should care so much about the man that tried to murder you."

"I'm not so noble. I know that if he doesn't change... it will break her heart." Coulson looked down sadly then looked up again with determined eyes. "When we find them, we will return them to her care, Loki included."

May nodded reluctantly.

~Earlier in the enemy helicopter~

The little ones were all huddled around Tony, looking very nervous.

But year old Bruce was squirming in the kidnapper's arms. "No!!!" The child yipped. "I want ___!!!" He yelled.

"Shut up kid! You ain't gonna see her anymore. Got it?"

Bruce started screaming at the top of his lungs with tears streaming down his face.

"Stop it! He-He has a condition!" Tony said, looking worried.

One of the kidnappers smacked the back of his head roughly.

"Ow!" Tony said and rubbed the back of his head.

Bruce glared at the man angrily.

"Uh...Oh..." Thor said softly.

The once human child roared loudly and stunned every agent in the helicopter.

Bruce's soft baby skin started to turn green.

"How far are we to-" One of the men asked the pilot.

"Two minutes." The pilot replied.

"Greenbean" socked the kidnapper with his tiny but indestructible fist.

Loki looked very concerned. "It's alright Bruce. We'll see her again." He said with a soothing voice.

Bruce grunted and kicked and screamed at his captors while the plane landed. "Get it off me!!! Get it off me!!!"

"He isn't an 'it'!" Loki defended and Bruce seemed to calm down just a a bit.

A tall, intimidating looking man who was covered in a dark cloak came to the stopped copter. "What happened?" He asked simply, ignoring the fact that baby hulk was beating up one of his footman.

The pilot shrugged and exited the plane.

"Get 'em inside." The man ordered.

And so, scared and worried, the little children were escorted into the last place you'd want them to be. A big, cold, building, located who knows where....           

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