chapter nineteen

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Upon hearing those words, you sprang into action, getting dressed in the black jumpsuit that S.H.I.E.L.D had provided you and loading your holster with weapons and your hidden knife slots with daggers.

You were putting on your boots when Coulson came back. "You ready?"

"I've been ready." You said, standing tall after finishing up.

"Because you don't have to go if you don't-"

"Coulson..." You warned.

He sighed. "I know you won't change your mind but it really would make me feel a heck of a lot better." He said as you left your dorm like room and headed for the garage with Coulson on your tail.

"I know. But I'd rather risk my life to try and save them, than feel horrible knowing they were in danger and I did nothing."

Coulson nodded. "I can't blame you." he said just as the plane landed. "Just follow me and do what I do. I won't tell you to retreat unless I find it absolutely necessary. You need to promise me you will follow orders."

You looked down at the ground, contemplating what he said, until you heard footsteps and turned around to see Agent Ward and Agent May standing there, combat ready in their sleek S.H.I.E.L.D uniforms.

"Miss ___?" Coulson insisted.


"I need you to promise me in order for me to feel comfortable letting you help."

You looked hesitant and sighed softly.

Coulson looked sympathetic and gently turned you so you faced him. He looked you straight in the eyes and said gently, "We aren't leaving without all of them. I just need you to be safe ok? And, they need you to be safe. How do you think they would feel if they heard you were hurt or dying? Especially Loki, he'd be devastated... right?"

Agent May held an emotionless expression as usual as she watched you nod in agreement to Coulson's argument. She hated whenever Loki's name was mentioned.

"I... I promise." You said, your eyes looking away from his as soon as you said it.

He might not be very intimidating to the eye, but when Coulson wanted... well, he could get people to talk.

"Stay with me at all times ___." Coulson said as the ramp lowered down. He looked back at Fitz, Simmons, and Sky and said, "Be ready for orders, we may need you."

The three nodded and then you and the three other agents walked down the ramp, and onto the grassy, swamp like forest.

The night air was chilly and moist, and there were not many stars in the sky, for the grey clouds had hid them. And when the ramp had risen back into place all that could be the heard were the sounds of the frogs croaking and the crickets chirping away.

As you three walked inland, you began to wonder what the plan was, since Coulson never did tell you. But, you figured he knew what he was doing... right?

"Keep an eye out for snipers." Ward said to you in a low tone, and you nodded.

Snipers... If only adult Hawkeye were here to take them out. Which reminded you, that not only were they your sweet babies, but they were also Earth's only defence against major threats. You needed to get them safe. You wouldn't be able to bare it if the weren't...

Suddenly an almost silent shot went buzzing out from Ward's gun toward a treetop, followed by the sound of a thud.

You looked at Ward but he was too busy looking directly in front of him, so you decided to do the same.

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