chapter twenty five

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Back outside, in the fresh air, Tony looked very excited. "Can we go to Innovations now?" He asked as enthusiastic as he could without sounding too childish.

You chuckled and ruffled his brown hair a bit. "Alright." You agreed.

It took about six minutes or so to get out of Adventure Land, then walk across Main Street to get to the proper area, which held many technological and syfy type rides and stores.

"Where are we going?" Natasha asked in a squeak.

"To a large building with lots of technology in it." You answered helpfully, in terms she would understand.

When Thor, Steve, and Loki seemed to frown in dissaproval, you decided to add, "And, lots of superhero stuff."

That surely lit up their adorable faces.

"Really?! What kind?!" Steve exclaimed happily as you all went up the steep, curved ramp that lead to the entrance of the circular shaped building.

"Oh... the good kind." You remarked vaguely.

"Can they read?" Coulson asked nervously, in a tone quiet enough so the little ones wouldn't hear.

"Loki and Steve can read a little." You replied in a soft tone.

Coulson nodded. "Try to keep them in the dark as much as possible." He advised in a whisper.

You nodded and soon, you all entered the doors to the large area, as techno music played in the background.

"Hey! Look at that!" Tony yipped, and scurried over to the machinary across the way, while Agent Ward went after him.

"I'll watch him." He assured as he left.

"Look! Look! A superhero exhibit!" Steve said with great joy, as he pointed at the Captain America exhibit.

You looked at Coulson and he shrugged. "What the heck?" He chuckled, thinking that it would be fine as long as Steve had no idea that this exhibit was really about him. ...Besides, it would really please Coulson's inner fanboy self.

The remaining group of you waited in line and looked at a few artifacts, such as reproductions of the Captain America shield, his life story, and so on.

Baby Bruce, who was in his stroller and now under Agent May's supervision, was a very happy baby, clapping ever so often and babbling to you about who knows what.

At one point, your little cap looked very intruiged by a holographic display on the wall that showed how small the good Captain used to be, and how much he had changed, because of the syrum.

"Who woulda thought a tiny guy like him coulda become a hero." Steve said with pride, knowing a few of the struggles the honorable man had to face. Thanks to the info he obtained from you explaining some of the exhibit.

Steve looked around the room with a content sigh. "These are the kinda guys that man was sayin' we needed. ...I think I wanna be just like him when I grow up. Whoever he is."

You couldn't help but smile widely at that and glanced over at Coulson, who looked like he was going to burst into a fit of happiness any second.

Agent May smiled slightly and put a hand on his shoulder. "Deep breaths Phil." She chuckled, and little Bruce kicked his tiny feet, sensing Phil's ecstasy.

Steve looked at Coulson curiously. "Are you alright?"

Phil cleared his throat and nodded. "Yes. I'm fine. Carry on." He smiled, trying to contain his excitement.

Meanwhile, Thor and Loki were content vewing a little movie about Captain America, since the moving picture box always seemed to keep them intranced and quiet.

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