chapter elleven

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You awoke to a mess of cookies all over the kitchen floor.

"What in the world...?"

Meanwhile in the kids room...

"Ok. Now look guys. If ___ asks one of us what happened we just say that we were asleep ok?" Loki said.

Clint, and Thor nodded calmly while Steve looked a little unsure. "I-I can't lie very good Loki..." Steve said.

"Just leave it to me." Loki assured and walked out of their room after getting dressed. When he saw the mess he looked shocked. "Hey! Who ate our cookies?"

You looked a little confused and stared at the mess a bit while a dressed Clint, Steve and Thor walked out.

"What happened?" Asked Thor.

"Someone ate our cookies!" Loki pouted.

"NOOOOO!!!!!! WHY!?!?!" Thor yelled dramatically and fell onto his knees in distress. "WHO WOULD DO SUCH A THING?!?! OH THE HUMANITY- ow!" Loki kicked his overdramatic brother's leg and Thor looked sheepish.

You chuckled. "I'll just buy some more. But umm... Who do you think could have climbed up there to get them?"

"Maybe Bruce!" Thor suggested and Loki kicked him again. "Ow!"

"No... Bruce is too little! It had to have been-"

"Okay!!! I confess!" Steve stepped forward with guilty, tearfilled eyes. "I... ate the cookies... from the cookie jar!"

"It's ok Steve I wasn't really that-"

"I... ate the cookies... from the cookie jar!!!"

"Steve! It's fine I-"




"It's fine sweetie. Umm I knew you all probably did it anyway. Just don't-"

"I can't believe myself!"

"Steve let's not start-"

"First it's sneaking around eating cookies."


"Then, it's stealing candy from the candy store."


"Then it's stealing cars."

"You aren't going to listen to me are-"

"Then it's taking over the world!!!"

"Well, that escalated quickly." Said Tony, just entering.

"I should be punished!" Steve said, his cheeks flushed and his eyes disapointed in himself.

You sighed and picked up the irrational little captain. "You're fine Steve. You're a good little boy and-" You looked at all of them. "No one is taking over the world."

"I can't make any promises..." Loki muttered.

You stared at Loki intently, a little scared.

"I'm only making a jest, ___." He explained.

You still looked nervous and sighed. "You better be..."

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