chapter tree

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Twenty minutes later and you were all playing monopoly. Tony, of course, was the banker and was also winning.
      You held 6 month old Bruce in your arms and played with him a bit.
      Clint landed on Loki's property but said nothing, hoping that he wouldn't notice. 
      He did.
      "That's mine." Loki said proudly at his hotel filled property.
      Clint got mad, knowing he would go bankrupt because of this and threw a toy arrow at Loki's forehead. Natasha giggled.
      Loki looked sad and angry and before Loki took things into his own hands you said, "Clint, that wasn't nice. Say you're sorry."
      Clint muttered, "I'm sorry." before handing Loki all of his money and properties. 
      "Here, you can be my advisor Clint." You said in response to his sad face.
      "No!" Loki sqeaked. "I wanna be your advisor. Clint, you can have my stuff." He said and pulled up a chair to sit next to you.
      "Wow, __, you just made my only competition flock to you. Not that I blame him though, I mean look at you, you're gorgeous. Remind me to hire you when we get back to Stark Tower." Tony said smoothly. 
      You rolled your eyes but found it a bit odd that he was sounded like his adult self for a moment there...
      While Loki oganized the money he thought to himself, "I know I'm her favorite."
      Tony thought to himself. "She may be with the kids right now but clearly, she likes me best."
      Thor thought to himself, "I want some poptarts." Then he said to you aloud,  "Where are the poptarts?"
      "In the pantry." You smiled and continued the game for another twenty minutes before the children decided that they were officially bored of it, and ran off to play other games.
      Baby Bruce looked at you curiously then yanked your hair. 
      "Ow!" You yipped and gently pried his little hand from your locks. "That's not very nice Brucie." He just laughed then reached for Tony.
      "Oh no you don't. I am not holding that drool monster." Tony said.
      You glared at him slightly. "Be nice!" You put your hands over Bruce's ears and he looked at you curiously. "He has a condition you know." You whispered then took your hands off the baby's ears.
      "Yeah, so?"
      You rolled your eyes.
      Little Steve came up to you with tears in his eyes. "They still don't like me..."
      Your heart melted and you handed baby Bruce to Tony, who looked at him as if he had germs. Bruce slapped his nose. "Ow!"
      Bruce laughed at Tony's reaction.
      You picked up little Steve and held him close. "Don't worry sweetie, they'll come around."
      He burried his face in the space between your shoulder and chest and cried quietly.
      You rubbed his back to try and comfort him and he clung onto you as if you were his only friend in the world.
      Loki saw this and felt pang of jealousy. Thor noticed this and said, "If you're upset about something, go talk to maiden __, about it."
      "No, she's too busy with Steve to talk to me." Loki said angrily.
      "Loki..." Thor warned. "Remember what mother would say?"
      Loki sighed. "Use your words..."
      Loki walked over to you and said quietly, "Maiden __, I don't like it when you spend so much time with Steve."
      You looked a little confused but then thought of an idea. "If you are nice to Steve and play with him more often, then I probably won't have to spend as much time with him." You said quietly while Steve was oblivious to all of this, simply crying into your shoulder.
      "Hmm..." Loki muttered thoughtfully. "Ok. Come on Steve, let's play with my brother."
      Steve looked up and sniffled. "Really?"
      "Sure." Loki said, sounding friendly.
      You smiled at Steve to assure him that it would be alright and he hopped down from your lap and left to play with his new friends.

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