chapter thirty

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The life giving light of the yellow sun was now drowsily hanging on the edge of the horzion, almost ready to allow the moon to punch in. And as the sky grew darker, the white lights of Disneyland twinkled on, strings of round bulbs on the buildings of Main Street and old-fashioned street lamps also lighting the way.

It was a calming sight and you noticed that you and your group were beginning to ware down, due to all of the fun you had all day today.

"Maiden ___?" Asked little Thor, whose bright blue eyes were a little sleepy.

"Yes dear?" You replied kindly.

"May we get a carmel apple please?" He asked, a little bit of desperation in his voice. "And see the fireworks before we leave?" He continued, liking anything and everything that created loud explosions.

"Alright." You agreed, and headed over to the sweets shop on Main Street, which was not too busy due to the fireworks that were to begin in about an hour or so.

And after you ordered for all of you, (with the exception of baby Bruce) you all sat at three connected tables with chairs all around them.

Everyone had a tired look about them as they ate the sweet treat but they seemed to be happy that they were allowed the goodie.

"Mine's a Minnie Mouse one." Natasha told Clint softly.

Clint looked at the apple with the chocolate covered marshmellow "mouse" ears and bow and smiled slightly. "Mmhm." He murmered in agreement, while Thor easily took a big bite of his apple and Tony sat with his elbow on the table, lazily eating his as well.

Little Steve had fallen asleep on the table until a loud, POP sounded and awoke him. "Don't worry, I got 'im!" Steve exclaimed as he awoke, and realized that the noise was a firework.

Excited, he asked you for permission to go outside, which you granted and soon the others followed as well.

Another firework flew into the sky, as the music played and each theme was created; princess, pirate, haunted house, and many more.

The children oo'ed and awed at the sight of the sparkling lights that glowed and surprisingly, Bruce was not afraid of the noises at all. In fact, he was very joyful and clapping his little hands together happily throughout much of the show.

The final song was, "When You Wish Upon a Star" and the little ones, a bit touched by the song, clung onto you as the last fireworks shot off and faded back into the darkness of night.

"Well, kiddies." You finally said, "Looks like it's time to go now."

"Aww, must we?" Loki asked with a yawn and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"I'm afraid so little one. All good things must come to an end sometime, unfortunately." You said gently, and picked up the tired prince and held him in your arms in a motherly embrace.

The other kiddies also seemed a bit sad to go, but understood your words and headed back to the tram, where you waited in line for a final time while Loki was half asleep on your shoulder.

Baby Bruce was also very tired, and was sleeping in his stroller at the moment, sucking his tiny thumb to calm himself.

You waited for a few minutes in the silence of all of the tired people also waiting in line and enjoyed the cool night air.

"____?" Loki's voice said sweetly, in a quiet tone.

"Yes?" You responded.

"What was the feather for at the Dumbo ride?" He asked innocently.

"Well... To make a long story short, Dumbo thought he could fly because of a magic feather that his friend, Timothy Mouse gave him, to make him believe that be would be able to fly if he had that feather. But then one day during one of Dumbo's circus shows, he lost the feather, and started to fall. But when Timothy told him that the feather wasn't real, Dumbo realized that he didn't need a magic feather to fly. He was able to do that all on his own."

"All on his own?" Loki yawned quietly.

"Mmhm." You nodded.

He remained silent for a while, so you asumed that he had fallen asleep. But, just as the tram arrived, you heard his sweet little voice whisper to himself. "I don't need a magic feather to fly..."

At the time, you didn't know what was the meaning behind his words for sure. But you knew that it had to be good, and you smiled as you stepped onto the tram with your group, happy that you all had a wonderful time together and were now headed home.

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