chapter five

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 While you cuddled with Loki, Clint was busy trying to convince Natasha that playing "house" would not be fun.
      Tony left Bruce in the crib and said, "Greenbean's asleep."
      You weren't sure if you liked that nickname for little Bruce but you shrugged it off while Tony went to work welding something.
      "Do you want to go play now?" You asked the mini prince.
      Loki shook his head and cuddled against you.
      "Now, now, it's alright. They won't hurt you anymore."
      Loki just sniffled and tried to hold back tears. "Why do people gotta be mean to me? Do they hate me?"
      Steve walked up to you and Loki and said kindly, "I like you."
      "And I as well brother!!!" Thor's voice boomed loudly.
      You put a finger to your lips to gently remind him to be quiet. (Since Bruce was sleeping.)
      "Oh, sorry." Thor whispered. "And I as well brother!" Thor whisper-yelled.
      You giggled. 
      "We are family. It is big, and broken but still good." Thor assured.
      Steve wiped the happy tears from his eyes. "I love that movie."
      "When did you see that?" Tony interjected.
      "Well, uh... I was supposed to be sleeping but I saw it and-"
      "You're sneaky." Loki said. "I like you." He concluded.
      You smiled and put him down, putting a tissue to his nose. "Blow."
      He gave you a look but you returned it two times over.
      He sighed and a small noise came from his squishy nose and you smiled when he was clean.
      He walked over to the toys and reassembled his action figures with his now pink tipped nose.
      "Come on Clint!" Natasha whined.
      "No! I don't want to get married."
      Natasha glared and ran around the toys and over to Thor, hugging him. "Then he's gonna marry me. Won't you Thor?"
      "Umm...." Thor looked awkward. 
      "It appears that my brother does not share your affections Natasha." Loki said, still placing his action figures.
      You looked at Loki nervously. Now he too sounded like his adult self for a moment.
      What if he became an adult before the others? Would he take them? Kill them? You couldn't lock him up, though that would be the safest thing. He was just a child! 
      Baby Bruce started whimpering and just as you were going to leave to get him, Clint was about to run down all of Loki's hard work. Luckily you grabbed him before he did and made Tony hold onto his arm while you went to tend to the baby... Who now looked older... at least two months older.
      "What?" You gasped and picked up the baby. "How did you...?"
      Your phone rang. "Hello?"
      "It's Phil. How is it going? You hung up abruptly when I talked to you before."
      "Yeah... it was... crazy."
      "How is Bruce?"
      "Older. ... How did you-"
      "We figured he might have a different reaction to what Loki did because of his condition."
      You gave Bruce a bottle and sighed, holding him close. You were glad that nothing had upset him enough to make him turn into the hulk. Nothing yet at least.
      "Do you want a small cell for Bruce or Loki? It can be dangerous to-"
      "No." You said abruptly. Neither of them are monsters and I will not treat them as such."
      "Ms. __, I think you are becoming too attached to the situation."
      "I'm not- ... I care for them, all of them, do you really expect me to seperate a small boy who already feels outcasted and put him in a cage like a beast?"
      "No I simply-"
      "Do you expect me to abandon my sweet little Bruce and let him sit in a cold glass cell?!"
      "I never said to abandon-"
      "Because I won't. Loki is tricky, I'm not an idiot, but kids are different. They're vulnerable and sweet and sometimes a pain, but honest for the most part. I think I can help him."
      There was silence at the other end for a while.
      "Coming from a guy who is supposed to be dead because of him... I wouldn't count on it."
      "I respect you Agent Coulson. But believe me when I tell you that I will never let you, Director Fury, or anyone else's doubt effect what I believe I can or cannot do. The reason being is that opinions cannot hinder me." You said sternly.
      You felt a somewhat cold, sharp, pain in your heart at the thought of your sweet, vulnerable little Loki crying in a cell all alone. The difference would be apparent to him. He would think that he didn't belong, that no one loved him. You could practically hear his small little voice calling your name...
      "__!__! Why am I here? I want to play! Please get me out! I-I'm lonely! Is it because I'm a Frost Giant? Don't leave me alone in here please!" His voice would plead as tears rolled down his cheeks. "You can't do this! I trusted you!" He would yell in anger and bitterness.
      "__? ... __?" Came Phil's voice from the other end of the phone, snapping you back to your senses.
      "My answer is no." You said firmly and hung up the phone.
      You gently sat down on the floor with Bruce in one arm, who tossed his empty bottle to the side.
      "__?" Came Loki's soft voice. His blue-green eyes were filled with concern as he observed your tear stained cheeks, red eyes, and sad expression.
      "Come here sweetie." You said and held out your free arm to him and he sat down next to you. "I love you so much." You said, looking into his eyes. "And don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
      "I-I love you too." He said and leaned onto your shoulder. You sniffled and kissed the top of his head.
      He grabbed a tissue and put it to your nose, "Now blow."
      You looked amused and blew into the tissue.
      "Feel better?" He asked.
      "Yes, thank you." You smiled.
      It surprised even yourself at how much you cared for these little rugrats. But you did, and no one was going to hurt any of them while you were around.

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