Chapter Four: Life Changing Moments

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Laurent's teary eyes remain fixated on this beautiful little creature as his hand remains wrapped around Laurent's finger. The machines in the room beeping at a moderate pace are competing with the sounds of Laurent's sniffs at what he's experiencing. Next to marrying Larry this is the most precious moment of his life. He never would have thought that coming to check up on him and spending a little time with him would turn into this...but of course he's over the moon and if he thought he was melting before it's in overdrive now. On occasion he brings his free hand up to wipe tears away only for them to be replaced by more for he simply can't help himself. There is just no possible way to explain how this feels. The crying begins to cease and just when he's thinking it's time to go home, as hard as it is to leave him, the door opens and in walks his nurse. She smiles at Laurent who smiles back then he notices something in her hands. A bottle. He thinks that it's feeding time for a different baby but she's heading towards him and now standing across from him they converse in a whisper...

Nurse: "Hey doctor". 

Laurent: "Hi".

Nurse: "Since it's been a couple of days Dr. Dubois wanted to see if he would respond to formula and so far so good". *pause* "It's his feeding time now". 

Laurent: "Oh. Oki". 

She smiles and nods...but then she looks down and notices where the baby's finger is and it instantly melts her too. She can also see the affect it has on Laurent so with that...

Nurse: "Would you like to feed him"?

Laurent's eyes widen slightly and he couldn't agree fast enough...

Laurent: "I would love to feed him". 

Nurse: *smile* "Great. Well how about you have a seat in that rocking chair behind you and I'll take him out and hand him over to you"?

Laurent softly nods then gently lets go of his hand to do as she suggests. He watches her open the incubator then reach down to gently pick him up. He gets slightly fussy so she talks to him softly and in somewhat of a baby voice...

Nurse: "It's ok sweetheart. It's time to eat so you can keep getting strong and healthy". 

As she makes the few steps over to Laurent she says something that nearly brings him to tears again...

Nurse: "The nice man that saved your life will feed you". 

Laurent swallows hard because if he didn't he would for sure cry. He composes himself rather quickly then opens his arms and waits to feel him placed directly in them. She bends down slightly and Laurent gently takes him from her. The pacifier is still in his mouth so he slowly takes it out to which he begins to cry but now the nurse is handing over the bottle. When it touches his lips his little jaws fall and his mouth opens. The suction starts instantly and Laurent as well as the nurse are thrilled that he has an appetite. Now he's looking up at Laurent as Laurent looks down into those warm eyes. Laurent has also started rocking back and forth in the chair. The nurse then brings over a burp cloth and drapes it over his shoulder. He looks up at her somewhat confused as to why it's there and she senses it so she smiles and replies, "when it's time to burp him". Laurent's face instantly goes from slight confusion to softness so he nods and flashes a small smile before going back to watching the baby. A minute of silence goes by then he hears her voice again...

Nurse: *smile* "You look good with a baby". 

Laurent: *smile* "Thank you". 

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