Chapter Ten: Let's Do This

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The ticking of the clock in Ms. Dupont's office is audible signaling how quiet it is between the three of the them. In the minutes that have passed Laurent and Larry are sure that she's going to turn them down and the reason being can be one of many. Their greatest fear is that it's the very last thing mentioned to her which is their marriage but they felt it necessary to tell her. They don't want her to be in the dark about anything if they can help it. Besides, they're not ashamed of their love. Of course they can understand why it would throw her a little bit but their ability to take care of Christian won't be impacted in any way. If anything, it will be just the opposite. Or perhaps it isn't their marriage. Perhaps it's because they don't have a case after all. That's something they simply can't fathom given the circumstances. Whatever the reason for this silence they're internally praying that they don't hear the words, "I'm sorry I can't help you" and as they continue to study her facial expression they're afraid that's exactly what they will hear. They nervously look at each other then back at her and with a shaken voice but also with a hint of desperation...

Laurent: "Please. We will do anything. We will pay whatever it costs because we really need your help". *looks at Christian* "We don't want to lose him. He's us joy. We love him".  

Larry: "We love him so much and we can take care of him. We took him to his doctor already and we will take him back whenever it's time to make sure he's healthy. He has his own room and we get him everything he needs".

Even after Larry finished moments of silence ensued and they both gulp as they don't know what she's going to say. Much to their relief... 

Dupont: "I can assure you that just sitting here observing I see how much you both love and care for him". *pause* "I appreciate you being upfront and telling me about your marriage but that wasn't going to be the basis of my decision. Family law is primarily about what's best for the children in a family. When I look at Christian he looks healthy and happy and quite frankly that's all I need to see so based off of the circumstances you informed me of I will take your case".  

Laurent slowly closes his eyes and blows out a sigh of relief. His hands have been trembling so he begins massaging them to calm himself. Larry closed his eyes and blew out a sigh of relief as well but the second he opened them he lowered his mouth to place a gentle kiss on the top of Christian's head. Laurent extends his hand over and to hold Christian's tiny little fingers and rub the top of his hand. Seconds later Laurent turns to face her...

Laurent: "Thank you so much".

Dupont: *smile* "You're very welcome but let me clarify". *pause* "I'll be happy to take your case if if there is one".

Laurent: *looks confused* "I don't understand. If"?

Dupont: "Yes. Ms. Ledoux is correct about the charges the birth mother can face and she should be aware of this but child protection services can file the charges against her. My guess is that will happen as soon as possible. Now because those are criminal charges that will be handled separately and the case worker will keep you updated as that progresses. Ideally she'll be given a trial but in my personal opinion it's an open and shut case. She endangered him therefore she's guilty and she should be punished to the fullest extent of the law...but as an attorney I know that whether or not she's found guilty is based on the verdict of the jury and her sentence is at the discretion of the judge. If the punishment fits the crime your chance at keeping him increases and the decision made by child protection services to place him with you shouldn't be overturned". 

Laurent: "We really hope that happens". 

Dupont: "I understand but for now my recommendation is to keep constant contact with Ms. Ledoux". *pause* "On a personal note I would like to thank you both for coming in to see me. I've been doing this for years and I love when parents take proactive steps to ensure that what's best for the child is what happens. It makes me love what I do that much greater". 

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