Chapter Twelve: Taking the Stand Pt. 2

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As Jenna walks to the stand it's so quiet her footsteps can be heard. When she takes her seat at the stand more silence will ensue before her attorney proceeds. In that time different thoughts are running through everyone's minds...but two questions are really all that matters. Why did she do this? And depending on the reason she gives, will the judge believe it? With all eyes on the stand her attorney begins...

Gerard: "Ms. Fontaine, we all know the general reason for these proceedings today but would you mind addressing the court and telling everyone in your own words why you're here". 

Although a distance away everyone can visibly see her gulp and slowly exhale before responding to that question...

Jenna: "I want my son back". *pause* "I know what I did was wrong but I just want a second chance". 

Gerard: "And why is that so important to you"? 

Jenna: "I think every mother deserves to be with her child and bond with given the opportunity to raise them no matter their shortcomings". 

Gerard: "I understand". *pause* "Now, Ms. Fontaine what has it been like being away from him all this time"?

By this point tears have built in Jenna's eyes and started rolling down her cheeks to which her attorney whispers to the judge asking if he has some tissues. The moment Larry and Laurent see her tears they look at the judge to try and read his face...but it's blank. They don't know if he feels sorry for her or what he's thinking. They can only hope he won't be swayed by it. Nonetheless, he hands over a few Kleenex to the attorney who gives them to Jenna...

Gerard: "It's ok. Take your time". 

Jenna takes that advice and for a few moments her sniffs are resounding around the courtroom as she tries to pull herself together. Eventually...

Jenna: "It's been very hard. I think about him all the time. I wonder where he is and how he's doing". *sniff* "I miss him". 

Gerard: "So you without question regret your actions that day"?

Jenna: *nods* "I regret it so much". *pause* "I will forever regret that day and I know there's no excuse but I left him because I was just completely overwhelmed. New mom, no support. I had no clue what I was doing". *sniff* "That day will never leave me and it shouldn't because it was wrong...but that's why I searched for him and that's why I'm here today. I'm not saying I don't deserve to be punished but I want the court to see that I'm not some monster with no heart. I do love him and I want him back so I can make it right. I want him back so I can be the mom I know he deserves". 

*brief pause*

Gerard: "Thank you for your honesty Ms. Fontaine". *looks at judge* "No further questions your honor". 

Ms. Gerard heads back to her seat and before she can even sit down the prosecuting attorney is on her feet and making her way to the stand. Spectators can't see her face...but if the nervous look on Jenna's face says anything she isn't pleased and Jenna is two seconds away from feeling her wrath. They can even see her gulp hard again before she and the attorney become eye to eye. Now, Larry and Laurent are listening like they never have before...

Perrin: "Ms. Fontaine, you heard the testimony of Dr. Bourgeois and Dr. Dubois so you're aware of his condition". 

Jenna: "Yes I heard and it breaks my heart". 

Perrin: "Breaks your heart but you still left him". 

Jenna: "Yeah but...."

Perrin: "Ms. Fontaine, as Dr. Dubois testified, dehydration and muscle weakness are serious conditions particularly for a newborn who's still developing which is why he was in the hospital for as long as he was. When it's a case of the stated conditions that means someone has gone a considerable time without food or water which means he was out there for days".

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