Chapter Eighteen: Moment of Decision

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It's been one week since Natalie came into their lives and ever so often they find themselves reflecting on everything that's happened thus far. From the night Ms. Ledoux came over and telling them about her up to the day they had their meeting and listening to her heartbreaking story. Each aspect of it has run through their minds. When they agreed to wait until she gives birth to make sure she still wants to go through with it they were unsure and naturally nervous about how she would take the news. In fact, they remained in their quiet bedroom comfortably snuggled next to each other as that dreary, rainy weather continued for quite some time before Laurent decided that their hungry bellies needed some food. When he got up to cook Larry decided that there wasn't a better time to make the call. He slowly sat up in bed then grabbed his phone and the small piece of paper she wrote her number on from his pocket then blankly stared at it for a moment...trying to understand why he was so nervous about making this call. After all, Natalie is a lovely person and deciding to be so open and honest about a situation that she could have very well kept to herself considering the magnitude of it is extremely commendable. The fact that she was willing to relive such a horrible time in her life tells them deep down in their souls she has no plans of changing her mind. Much like Ms. Ledoux they couldn't be more grateful that she was so determined to make sure the baby she feels she can't give the love deserved is more than they could ever ask for. With that thought Larry smiled to himself and just like that the nervousness he felt went away and he dialed her number. She answered the phone sweetly and after finding out who was calling Larry heard a smile in her voice along with that voice raising a pitch in excitement because she was happy to hear from him. Larry explained their decision and Natalie couldn't have been more understanding which just made his heart happy and even though they decided against going to her appointment that was scheduled for the following day she still wanted to tell them how it went. They were elated to hear that the pregnancy is progressing well and she told them that they will also be informed when she goes into labor. With that news Larry released the call then got up to meet Laurent in the kitchen to tell him. Laurent is thankful she's doing well too and he wasn't at all surprised at her reaction to their decision because although he's been the one showing the most reservation about this entire process he can tell Natalie is really a sweet person. He also admires her strength in going through something as tragic as rape then being strong and perfectly willing to talk about it even though as Larry said...she didn't have to. With such great news they sat down and ate the lunch that Laurent so lovingly prepared and every day since that day their lives have gone about as normal while they anticipate the day she delivers. Since Laurent's emotional time in Christian's nursery he's slowly but surely getting is Larry. There will always be a huge void in their lives from losing him. He was their first baby...their first son so he will always be missed and will always have a special place in their hearts. As much as they want him back they are grateful that he's being taken care of because that's what's most important so with that Laurent has been actively going to work with Larry taking care of their home and whipping up delicious meals to have waiting for him. Larry loves taking care of his husband just as Laurent loves the same but there's something he's been looking forward to and that's the start of the new school year in a few weeks. Like every year his school sent his customary packet which includes a class roster of all his new students that he's beyond excited to meet. A class full of shiny and beautiful faces of students eager to learn and Mr. Bourgeois excited to teach them. Preparations for the return of the school year are going as normal and they include making welcome folders for all of them which will include a letter for their parents introducing himself and what to expect. Larry's bright smile as come back full force as he prepares and since the school also informed him that the school has not only done some remodeling it will also be open every day so teachers can come in to add things they desire to their classrooms his plans today are going there to do just that. Right now he's in the home office on the computer and he just finished typing up some correspondence. Minutes ago he sent Laurent a text telling him where he'll be as he's not sure when Laurent will be leaving work since this was an on-call day for him. A final document is currently printing and now he's hearing his phone go off signaling a text message. Knowing it's his love he's already smiling before he even picks up the phone which is right in his reach. He opens the text and what he sees takes that smile from small to ear to ear...

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