Chapter Nineteen: From the Heart

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A/N: Hey loves. Pictures will be a part of this chapter but they're closer to the end because I need them to flow with certain scenes so please don't be alarmed when baby girl isn't shown right away. :) 


There are sounds of the busy hospital in the background whether it's doctors giving orders or nurses answering calls at the desk all around...only Larry and Laurent don't hear any of it. Since Brandon led them to the nursery where their little princess is the moment they laid eyes on her everything around them seemingly stopped. The sight of the incubator she's in is all too familiar and it brings back a once difficult part in their lives seeing Christian in one...but much like Christian their hearts have been stolen by this sweet, round face that they can now call their daughter. All in a matter of minutes they've mentally been through a perplexing state of "what if". What if this process isn't as easy as it seems and what if it results in another disappointment? It was natural for them to wonder these things but it was a relief to discover that it was as easy as Natalie assured them it would be. She could have easily changed her mind. After all, it was Larry and Laurent who suggested that they all wait until and after what could have been a life threatening scare it was possible. That's why it surprised them and at the same time touched their hearts when she said her life is with them and she couldn't think of better people to raise her. Now, here they are on the outside of this large window looking at this innocent little girl and being overwhelmed with internal emotions goes without saying. Larry's tears haven't stopped flowing and when he took a brief moment to look over at his love he sees the same disbelief in his eyes. Now they're both looking back at her and while they hate seeing her in such a small place it's clear she is the most beautiful little girl they've ever seen. They see a nurse next to her delicately checking her vitals...careful not to awaken the sleeping beauty. Once she's done she looks up at the window and the second she and Brandon connect eyes he signals to her to step outside so she nods softly then makes her way to the door to come out and speak to him...

Nurse: *smile* "How can I help you"?

Brandon: "I was just wondering if anyone can go inside and see her now".

Nurse: "Yes of course". 

Brandon then turns to Larry and Laurent... 

Brandon: *smile* "You guys want to go in and be with her"?

Larry is sure that with Laurent being the closest to him he would be the one to speak up but since he isn't saying anything Larry speaks up... 

Larry: "Baby? You want to go in"?

*brief pause*

Laurent: "Uh, yeah. We can go in". 

At this point Larry not only sees something he can't quite read in Laurent's face he also hears something in his voice. He can definitely sense some nervousness...but he's sure there's another emotion. It sounds as though it's along the lines of skepticism and it's confusing because when he looked at her his face showed a look of softness...but there still appears to be a little something missing from his eyes. Perhaps it's just the shock of them having a new baby especially so soon after losing Christian. Whatever the case this will all set in once they get her home and begin their new life with her in it so Larry takes his eyes off of Laurent and back on Brandon who's now speaking to the nurse again...

Brandon: "These are the two gentlemen taking her so that will be great if they can go in". 

Nurse: *smile* "They can definitely go inside". *looks at Larry and Laurent* "Once you're inside we ask that you put on the protective wear and gloves that will be on your right then you can spend some time with her". 

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