Chapter Six: Plea

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From the moment Ms. Ledoux asked if there's a reason why their family didn't want to speak for them the main emotion running through them now is fear. It isn't exactly a question they're surprised was's just something about it actually being asked now that has them completely frozen. After what felt like an eternity gazing at each other and being unable to speak Laurent finally turned his head away from Larry who has the most intense look of fear in his eyes to answer her question... 

Laurent: "They didn't say anything because, um...." *clears throat* "Larry and I, We...."

Ms. Ledoux brings her hand up to politely interject...

Ledoux: *smile* "It's ok Dr. Bourgeois. If you're trying to tell me that you and Larry are married I'm already aware. Yes you're brothers and no it isn't a typical marriage but that isn't my concern". *pause* "I guess my question should have been phrased as, is your marriage as brothers the reason your family didn't care to speak for you"? 

Laurent instantly feels relieved that he and Larry's marriage isn't at all what she's worried about...but having to talk about this only brings up the pain that goes with it and that pain causes a few moments of silence to go by again before he's able to respond...

Laurent: *nods* Yeah. They don't approve of us so we don't really talk to them". *pause* "But no matter how they feel for what we do they know how much we love kids...."

Laurent has to stop himself as he's getting emotional because it kills him that they couldn't at least do this for them. He finally regains the strength as he clears his throat to continue...

Laurent: "No matter how they feel they know we will love us children and take care of them. They know they can tell you that but...they just didn't do it". *pause* "I'm sorry". 

Ledoux: "No need to apologize and I can assure you all that matters to me is that he's well taken care of. He will have stability, education when it's time and love". 

After hearing that they immediately blow out a huge sigh of relief. Then Larry chimes in...

Larry: "He will have all of that with us and if we can just have a chance we'll prove it. We hear what you're saying for the references...but we really want him". *pause* "Please help us". 

When Larry begged her to help them his voice became shaky which means he's crying. Laurent's hand goes to his back to soothe him and the moment he sees a tear fall from Larry's eye he uses his free hand to reach over and wipe it away. Across from them sits Ms. Ledoux who gets choked up herself at Larry's plea and she also watches the delicate way Laurent comforts him. Having been in this field for years she's seen several same sex couples with the desire for children and they certainly won't be the last. If it were completely up to her she will approve them from simply watching this beautiful sight in front of her...but there's still certain protocol she has to follow and as such she pulls herself together to respond...

Ledoux: *clears throat* "I want to thank you both for honesty and your authenticity. You both spoke from your hearts and that's the main thing I ask from potential parents". 

Larry: *sniffs and nods* "Welcome". 

Laurent at a deeper emotional level himself also replies just as soft as his love. Ms. Ledoux doesn't want to interrupt this moment but she still has to observe the home...

Ledoux: "I hope I don't sound insensitive but I still have to do a walk through of your home. I don't have to see every square inch but the general observation is a requirement which of course is the primary reason I'm here today". 

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