Chapter Nine: Deafening Silence

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There couldn't have been a silence more thick in Ms. Ledoux's office than this moment. Since the second Laurent heard this news his entire body...and seemingly his entire being has become completely numb. There's absolutely no way he can accept what Ms. Ledoux is saying nor can he accept what this woman who decides that now she wants to be a mother after putting an innocent baby in danger is trying to do. His eyes are lowered and they've been reading an abundance of emotions. When the silence is finally broken it's Ms. Ledoux voice's...

Ledoux: "I know this is a huge shock and I'm very sorry to have to tell you this. I know how much you and Mr. Bourgeois love Christian and that's why I chose you two to be his parents. Because I knew you both will give Christian endless amounts of love. *pause* "There's also a few reasons of my own that I wanted you to have him but the main thing is the dynamic I witnessed for myself between you and your husband". *sigh* "I hate this is happening but I had to let you know". 

Laurent: *nods* "I understand". 

*brief pause*

Ledoux: "And doctor, I owe you an apology". 

Laurent: "Apology for what", he asks softly. 

Ledoux: "Child welfare is a huge part of me and I treat every case the same in that all I want is what's best for the child". *pause* "In all my years doing this it's very rare, at least in the cases I've handled, that the birth parents come back and try to re-gain custody. Where I dropped the ball is I didn't tell you that". *pause* "In a case where the baby is abandoned and left in the condition Christian was in it didn't come to me as her possibly coming back. The way I see it, she made her decision when she abandoned him...but I should've told you that it wasn't completely impossible and for that I deeply apologize". 

Laurent: "It's oki. I don't blame you. Larry and I appreciate everything you did to give us Christian and I believe the same thing as you. She doesn't want him to leave him like that. That's why I'm so shocked you're telling me this and I really don't understand how she can do that then come back like it's nothing and try to take him. She should be in jail for what she did". 

Ledoux: "Exactly my thought and that's also another thing I wanted to discuss with you because leaving him was child endangerment, abandonment and neglect. Those are crimes so regardless of what she tries to do I can assure you that I will do everything in my power to make sure those charges are placed on her". 

Laurent: "Does she know this"? 

Ledoux: "Yes and at first she looked shocked which took me by surprise. Then her facial expression changed and she said she'll do whatever she has to do to fight it. She also asked who he's with but I didn't disclose that information. As it stands that information is confidential but if by some reason she's able to pursue this further and the courts become involved I have to". 

Laurent: *nods* "I understand". *pause* "But um, I don't know what to do now and I really don't know how to tell my Larry. This will break his heart". 

Ledoux: "I can imagine how difficult that will be and again I'm very sorry. Now I'm certain that if she does pursue this further which it sounds likely she will be required to prove that Christian is biologically hers with a blood test then it will go from there". 

Laurent hears all this and softly asks with his eyes low...

Laurent: "Should I look for a lawyer"?

Ledoux: "I don't see the harm in seeking counsel from a family law attorney. With the potential charges she faces whoever you go to can tell you what chance you have to keep him". 

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