Chapter Eight: Disturbance

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~one week later~

It's been an amazing week for the Bourgeois family. A week of sheer joy and pure baby bliss since the minute they brought him home. Laurent's words from the letter he wrote and read to him have been a constant replay in Larry's mind. Laurent still had zero knowledge of him being there listening and it wasn't until he stood up to put Christian back in his crib then turning around to see him. Larry whispered to him how beautiful it was and how touched he was by those words before giving him a hug and thanking him for already being a wonderful papa. They went to sleep with smiles on their faces that night and the very next day Laurent was successful in securing time off until school ends for Larry which is now only a day away. He's mentioned in their time of talk and reflection at night that he's happy to be out for summer but as always it's bittersweet and he isn't quite ready to say goodbye to the little munchkins because of how attached he is to them. Of course this summer will be different because of their adorable little Christian who's adjusting to his new home quite well and he's such a good baby. His temperament is smooth and for the most part he sleeps through the night...but even when he wakes up his sweet cries over the baby monitors are merely a beautiful reminder of their long time dream for a baby that's finally come to fruition. When Larry's at work Laurent has enjoyed his time with him from the usual feeding and rocking him to sleep even to the diaper changing of which he's getting more of a handle on. Every time Christian looks up at him his own words from that letter come to him. He's practically memorized every sentence and when he thinks about them he's loving Christian more each and every second of every day. He's also imagined how much happier Larry is when he's teaching. To be around his babies at school then coming home to this sweet one in the afternoons he's certain Larry low key watches the time until the end of the day finally arrives. Laurent has even smiled at that thought. When Larry does come home the first thing he does is wash his hands then scoops him up in his arms. That is if Christian isn't sleeping of course but if he's wide awake he can't wait to hold him. Laurent simply stands back and smiles beautifully as he watches their interaction. He always knew Larry would make an amazing papa and just by the delicate way he holds him, the sweet way he talks to him, never missing an opportunity to kiss his cheek then smile as he looks down at him only proves it. Today it's the late afternoon and an hour until Larry comes home. Christian also has his first doctor's appointment with his new pediatrician, Dr. Bertrand, of whom Dr. Dubois recommended that they will be taking him to together. Right now he's napping and like anyone who has a new baby when the baby sleeps, the parents sleep but Laurent has been awake for roughly twenty minutes now. After freshening up he went to check on him and when he sees that he's still sleeping peacefully he smiles then tip toes out of the room to do some light cleaning including laundry. Christian's clothes are washed separately because of his delicate skin so they have to use detergent especially made for babies. As Laurent loads the washer with his tiny t-shirts, his tiny pants and a few pairs of his tiny socks he chuckles at how absolutely adorable it all is. After pouring the required amount in he turns the washer on and heads out of the laundry room to go to the kitchen and make himself a late lunch. His mouth is nearly salivating as he thinks about this monster sandwich he's about to create. He enters the kitchen and walks over to the sink to wash his hands then over to the fridge to pull out a variety of condiments such as mustard and mayo, delectable deli meats as well as fresh veggies to go on top. Minutes later he has the perfectly built club sandwich on toasted bread with a side of chips and he sits down at the kitchen bar to eat. Christian should be waking up soon which is great because he has to get him ready to go and he really doesn't want to do that while he's sleeping as to not disturb him. With the sandwich now devoured and the last chip eaten he takes the plate to the sink to rinse it off. That's when he hears Christian over the baby monitor softly crying so he gently sets the plate down and walks at a fast pace to get to him. He goes over to the crib and the instant he looks down he sees his eyes closed as he cries with little tear drops falling down his temples. He coos him softly as he picks him up and the instant he puts him over his shoulder the crying stops. Laurent's hands are now rubbing soft circles on his back as a means of bringing him additional comfort then he re-positions Christian in his arms. He takes a Kleenex from the box and wipes those little tears away and now that he appears to be much calmer Laurent softly kisses his forehead then places him on the changing table to change his diaper and start getting him dressed. This past hour has gone by quicker than Laurent thought it would because just as he's finishing up he hears Larry come through the door so he does a small, playful gasp then smiles as he says to Christian, "your papa's home". He hears Larry at the sink washing his hands first then it's as if he can hear his steps as he walks to the nursery. When he senses him at the door he turns to face him...

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