Part Twenty Two

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*Jake's POV*

Fuck Jake. You fucked up big time.

I was on my way home when I saw Logan and Mark. (A/N Oh hi mark😂)

I pulled over next to them.

"Hey bro" Logan said leaning into my car.

"Oh don't fucking 'hey bro' me. You've fucking ruined my relationship you dick!" I yelled.

"Bro calm the fuck down what are you talking about?" He asked.

"You. You fucking told Liv about what happened with Holly and then your fucking girlfriend couldn't keep her mouth shut and she told Chelsea. So thanks. My life is fucking ruined.!"

"Bro what was I supposed to do? If I didn't tell someone I couldn't have lived with myself knowing a secret like that. And plus how was I supposed to know that Liv was gonna tell Chelsea? Don't blame me for your mistakes bro." Logan said.

I couldn't handle it anymore. I aggressively pushed open my car door and walked onto the sidewalk. My instinct was to swing straight for Logan. So I did. I hit him in the face.

"Bad move bro" Mark said stepping back.

Immediately me and Logan began fighting. Mark tried to break us up but he couldn't. Then Johannes and George came  and pulled us apart.

"What the hell is going on?" Johannes asked.

"That dick couldn't keep his fat mouth shut! That's what" I said as I pointed to Logan.

"Oh you mean the whole Holly thing? Yeah damn bro what the fuck!" George laughed.

"Oh so you fucking told them too?" I asked.

"Jake when will you learn? Not everything revolves around you! So stop acting like it does!" Logan yelled.

I just went straight back to my car and drove away. I don't know where I'm going. But I'm driving.

Lil' filler chapter for you💗

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