Chapter 4

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Sunday Night, 8:34 pm:

'Ready for tonight?'

Rey put down the box and grabbed her phone, 'Um, physically yes, but mentally no.'

'How come?' 

'I don't know, my anxiety is going through the roof right now and I have no idea when I should be showing up.'

'Everyone just shows up in a giant mob around 10.'

'So I should show up around 10:30?'


'Alright, see you @ 10:30.'

'See you then.'

Rey tossed her phone down, picking up the box full of her stuff, walking over to the door and placing it next to the door for tomorrow morning.

"Two hours left," Rey mumbles looking at the clock. 

Rey headed towards her room, pulling out the bag of clothes she bought yesterday and laying them out on her bed.

She flattened them out and walked into her bathroom, pulling out her makeup bag. She lined up her eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, lipstick, concealer, bronzer, and her brow sculpting kit.

"Please don't let this take longer than I think it will," Rey mutters under her breath.


9:45 pm:

Rey laid on her bed, scrolling through her Instagram feed with a face full of makeup when she noticed the time at the top of her screen. She rolled out bed, a groan filling the room.

Finally, the time had come. Rey stripped off her clothes and slipped on the red turtle neck, then the denim jeans and denim jacket. While doing her makeup, Rey thought of the perfect pair of shoes to mash into the outfit.

Rey spun around and opened her closet, digging through the piles of clothes that swamped her closet 'till she finally found the shoes she was looking for.

"Found you." Rey holds up her black heels with some fluffy material on the tip of the shoes. She absolutely adored these shoes but she never got to wear them due to the fact she was a high school student and always dresses like a homeless person.

She walked back to the bed, sat down and strapped the shoes to her feet, flaunting her red toe nails. Rey stood up and walked into the bathroom for one last look in the mirror.

"Not bad, Rey, not bad at all." Rey smiled perfecting her look with some earrings and gold bracelets. Finally satisfied, Rey walked into the bedroom grabbing her bag and keys then starting towards the door.


Rey pulled through the gates of the academy slowly. She came to the end of the driveway and was now officially on the campus. She noticed a crowd of people standing in front of a building talking. 

Deciding not wanting to be noticed, Rey parked a couple feet away. "Okay... you can do this j-just don't do anything cringy or stupid like getting wasted. Okay."

Rey opened the door and immediately regretted her decision. She walked down the sidewalk towards the group of people until they walked away. "Thank God," Rey preached.

The group made their way down the sidewalk to a door. They all entered and Rey followed. The door led down a hallway with an elevator at the end of it.

As the group walked down the hallway, Rey kept her head down, eyes locked on the floor.

The group stopped in front of the elevator and one member of the ensemble pushed the button going up. The doors opened not even a second later, letting the group of people enter.

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