Chapter 1: Abduction

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I heard sounds I have never heard before. I didn't realize what was it, I just knew it's bad! Like something really dangerous and scary. I wanted to run away, I was terrified but I couldn't just leave every one behind!

I ran to my people, my family just to find no one....They were all gone and some were even died. I could see their feathers thrown on the ground and their reddish blue blood splitted, some body parts are scattered........I have never seen such an aweful thing. It was blood curdling. I just wanted to find them. I ran away until I noticed something flying I couldn't was approching.

I took some steps backwards, when it came to the ground i realised it was massively huge!!

Just when i was about to run my curiousty attacked not letting me to move...a part of this thing opened and persons began appearing...really weard people they had no wings niether tall fangs.

I glanced at it in denial for several minutes and fear was all I felt.

Jenna's pov

After attacking those creepy creatures we captived most of them, they were all wild and all tried to hurt us. We knew that we will need some alive to make some researches I didn't totally get what dad said about them he didn't quite understand them either. But all we know for sure is that they don't easily die.

Professor Richard said that with our hundred helicopters we won't be able to take them all. When we finished one area and went away i found someone still standing. Wasn't able to see his face off course just that i realized something weird or maybe unique, his wings were black and big! I couldn't see his face clearly but somehow knew his eyes were grey. My dad saw him too so he ordered to land.

When we landed I had the opportunity to stare at him, he was a strange attractive man and his eyes literally sparkled with this blue-silver colour. His skin was clear and white like he hasn't ever been exposed to the sunlight. His muscels were in the perfect shape.

The air from the helicopter made his silky black hair churn into a tumbled sea of waves. He had a shock of dark hair, almost like the pelt of an animal.

He suddenly moved so fast not allowing us to see him, no human could ever do we used to see in supernatural movies but this was real...he was soon behind professor Richard. When he returned he met his fangs we all paniced and tried to stop him it was obvious he wanted to kill!!

Everyone pointing their guns at him he didn't seem to know that these guns would kill him.

He made this sound which.....who knows the name of sounds anyway. It was just way too creepy, creepier than a wild screich. One shot on his stomach he screamed but quickly recovered he looked at the one who shot him and quickly dipped his fangs into his neck and killed him. The blood all over his face he seemed enjoying it. Only then i knew he was worst than all the others.

Shot after shot he wouldn't die just greatly injured until dr.lenda took a sering applied something and threw it to the professor. They quickly used it as a knife and then pushed it. He fell weaker until he lost concious.

Hey guys,

Hope you loved the intro :)

Love ya...keep reading ;)

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