Chapter 12 : Please call me Daniel

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Recap: Erikyos escaped from the company. A doctore took him inside his car. He was known as dr.Stalzfin. Erikyos realized he had seen that man before.

Erikyos's pov

I tried to unlock the door again but there was no use!

"Come down man!" The man replied.

"I need to leave!!" I answered catching the door handle.

"What's wrong with him?!" An old lady who was taking the orders at the window poked her nose interrupting.

"Nothing, He's a patient and I'm his doctor. "

Then he whispered as if I couldn't hear him :

" He's a psycho, I'm his therapist."

"No, I'm not!" I shouted.."I don't even know him ma'am"

"See, he even forgot me...poor child." He said sarcastingly but she believed him and thought I was crazy!!

"Who are you calling child???" I yelled...I was 140...yeah I looked like 19 or 18...but they don't have the right to call me child.

I saw that man when I was walking the streets...When I stood near the traffic. He was the one gazing at me. And people loudered their horns so he'll move. He seemed caring about me.

And now I am right beside him in his car. I'm not even sure if he's good or bad. He took the meals and gave me one. He opened a sandwitch and gave it to me. Then he drove the car until we hit the rode.

"What's your name young man?" He asked.

"Why would you care?" I asked resting my head on the seat and looking at the road from my window.

"Trust me I do care!" He replied.

He opened the radio and there was some music. I do love music. Dunno why whenever I listen to any I smile.

"You like it?" the man asked. Probably my face was creepy...I smiled and grinned. I looked stupid.

"Yeah!" I answered quickly with the same creepy grin.

"You know I had a son? He was probably your age when he died. He travelled to America and he was killed there. You kinda remind me of him."

" You had a son?? You look young to have one." He wasn't an old man instead he was a handsome one of about 30 or 38. For a human that's wierd.

"I loved him."  I soon felt sorry for him. He opened up to me so easily which was strange. He started talking about himself then.

"My wife died when my son was about 2 years old. My sister helped me raise him. I live in a mansion. I'm also well known here."

"Yeah, even the officer knew you."

I said going on with his speech. I loved talking to someone so freely.

"Here we are! That's my home."

The man exclaimed.

I got down the car still bare feeted. I watched every single part of the mansion. I liked it so much. I walked in the huge garden reachinh to the door.

When I entered I was fasinated by the decoration. There was a huge difference between this place and the stupid company!

"Wow! You've got a nice house."

"Well, it's pretty big for me."

"You live here by yourself?" I asked really surprised.


"What do you work?"

"A doctor."

"Ok" I simply answered then went to sit on a couch.

He told me to wait and I did. When he came back he had clothes for me. He told me to wear them then offered me a drink.

Few minutes pased and I had taken a shower, wore new clothes which typically fit me, combed my hair, and drank some water.

"So, Dr.Stalzfin..."

" me Daniel!" The man interrupted.

"Oh...Sure Danielle. I really wanna thank you for everything."

"You're welcomed...It's nothing!"

"Thanks but I have to leave now."

"Aren't you going to tell me anything about you?"

"Sorry Danielle...Can you repeat what you've just said. I didn't quite catch it."

"Sure, I know my accent is forgein that's cause I'm American I ain't Aussie."

Aw...Now I had to deal with other accents too!! I barely get the Aussie!!

"I just wanna know about you son." He said.

"My name's Erikyos...That's more than enough to know about me!"

Hey guys;

So, this is one of the main characters of the story...Share your ideas and vote.

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