Chapter Ten

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Trisha's POV

"See you tomorrow bye!" I shout at Ally, as she dissappears into her apartment.

Work was good, the people are cool I guess.

However, I did have to put my phone on silent, as it was blowing up.

"That reminds me..." I mutter to myself as I retrieve my phone from my pocket.

I had a DM from Niall on twitter.


Best of luck;)


Thank you. Next time you get phenominiall ideas like mention me in a tweet, give me a fair warning. I will turn it off.


I see what you did there lol



Stupid autowrap.


So vas happenin?


Chilling with the Bradford Bad Boy.




Yes I love him.

Would you like to come over?




Then come over


Yes sir.


What did I do now?


Niall's POV

"So you really don't like her?" Zayn asks me.

"Nope. Not at all."


"Hundred percent."

I thought I was covering my feelings up quite well, but then along comes Mr. Malik, asking me if I like Trisha. I thought the best thing to do would be denying it, as I don't think she reciprocates my affection. I mean, wjy would she? She's amazing.

"Good." He states, with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Why is that good?" I ask, confused.

"Oh no reason."

"I've known you since we were sixteen, long before we both wanted the same things..." I start to sing.

"Your point being?" It was his turn to be confused.

"I know when you're lying dumbass. Tell me."

"Because I like her."


Zayn's POV

I don't like her.

I mean, not like that at least.

Eww no.

I just wanted to see his reaction. It's so obvious, the way he looks at her, that he's hopelessly in love with her.

Okay maybe that was an exaggeration, but you get what I mean.

And see his reaction I did, he looked so shocked, I almost thought he touched a live wire or something.

Yes, that's what you get when you lie to the Zaddy.

Before he could say something, so however, the doorbell rang.

He looked towards the door, then towards me, his mouth opening and closing like a fish.


I laughed out loud, then went to open the door.

Trisha's POV

When the door opened, the first thing I saw was a masd of green hair.

"Zayn you dyed your hair again?!"

He gave me a grin as we walked inside.

I looked towards the couch.

Why does Niall look like he's been Petrified?

I hear a laugh.

Did I say that out loud?


I'm having a killer dejà vu. I really need to work on this.


She noticed his hair? Does she like him too? How am I supposed to compete with him?! Hell he once understood a Bollywood reference she made!

Why does this have to happen to me?

"Nialler!" Her voice brings me out of my self pity.

"Huh? What?"

She walks over to the couch, and sits beside me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I say, a little too soon I suppose.


"Yes I'm sure." I say. Well actually snap.

I see hurt flash through her eyes, but she quickly covers it up.

"Oh ok." She says, looking forward now.

Great, now I feel guilty.

"Sorry, Jasmine." I sigh.

"Oh no, it's alright." She smiles.

"Jasmine?" I notice Zayn sitting on the other end of the couch, wearing an amused expression.

Trisha sighs. "Yes. He named me after a Disney Princess."

I felt nice when she didn't say the other part. It was like she was trying to keep it a secret, between us.

"You know, the fans sometimes compare me to Aladdin." Zayn says, smirking slightly.

She blushed. She freaking blushed!

And here goes all the feeling nice down the drain.

Zayn's POV

"Hey I'll be back in a few. My mom's calling."

"Cool." I say, as Trisha gets up amd heads into one of the rooms.

I take this opportunity to clear things up with Ni.

"I was kidding mate. I don't like her. Do you really think I'd do that to Gigi?"

It was true. I loved Gigi a lot. She was the one who helped me cope through all the anxiety when I left the band. She's amazing.


"I was testing you. Wanted to see your reaction. Both of us know what I saw." I smirk.

He groans. "Yeah, yeah. You know everything."

"That I do."


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