what was offered

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When I went to meet Isaak for the first time, I didn't imagine it like this.

When I thought of Isaak, a drug lord and gang leader, I imagined some kind of intimidating person with scars and rippling muscles....but instead I got some horny teenage wolf with my best friend's brother acting like a slut in his lap.


"What? " Isaak growls. Peyton gets out of his lap blushing.

He looks me up and down.

"You must be Emma. If your asking for an extension on your dads debt you can turn around right now. I need my money and this would be 5th time he skipped out."

"Actually, I came here about my mom."

"What about her?"

"Don't fucking play dumb!!!!" Emma growls."My dad bends over backwards paying for mom's expensive ass drugs! He is barely fucking living and we can barely put food and shit on the table because every damn cent he makes is going to you. And then my mom is high off her ass with harder drugs because you keep selling her them!"

"First off..." Isaak shifts, sitting up and stretching. His muscles ripples and he seemed taller because he was slouching. "Watch your fucking mouth. I'm the only person who cuss is my house, and just because your just a pup doesn't mean I can't fuck up your life."

"Obviously. I mean, look at what you did to Peyton's life."

Isaak growls.

"Peyton chose to be with me."

"Oh, yeah. He totally chose to be disowned by his family to become some drug lords bitch."

Isaak winces.

Peyton was the one showing up at his house, asking for sex. He was the one who showed up naked, saying he chose Isaak over god and his family.

Why did everyone think that this he is Isaak's fault?

It was Peyton's poor judgement that brought him here.

"What do you want?"

"To make a deal. Leave my dad alone, and in exchange I'll help Peyton get back with his family and pay off all that dad owes. Also, quit selling my mom stuff."

"Hm...." Isaak pondered on the idea."Here's the deal, you work for me to pay off your moms rehab and help get Peyton's family together,and I'll keep my hands off your dad until he pays me back  in full. Take it or leave it."

Emma growls at the idea.


"Good. I'll get one of my goons to clean out you stuff when the debt is due, let your dad know that instead of getting an "A" we're taking you a collateral. Let the pot stir as we get you settled in."


"Hey. It's the deal in action. You work for me and your taking away one of Passion's clients? You practically signed your own will." Isaak smirks. " Gotta protect ya. And it gives your dad some extra...motivation... "

"You bastard!"

"No. A bastard would have let you figure out that Passion is a force to be reckoned with on your own. Many don't live to tell the tale, but I know from first hand."

Isaak's ears sulks, him sitting back as if he regretted saying such. He sighs.

"Not to mention how much money I will need spending trying to get YOUR mom clean and keep her safe and her job steady and profitable. You have no clue how much you owe me now."

Emma looks around helpless, wondering what she signed herself up for. She storms out, barely making it to the doorstep before breaking down crying.

"Um....Emma...right?" Peyton says, sitting down next to her.

"Oh...great. Found crying by my new boss' bitch! Like its not bad enough I'm in debt to him my whole life now!"

Peyton winces at that statement.

"Come with me."he says, leading Emma into the backyard.

A big garden stood in the back. Roses bushes lined the left fence entrance, a pond with a fountain in the far corner. Multiple flowerbeds was layer out, the closest to the entrance being strawberries and the farther being the flower beds of forget me nots and morning glory. The back fence was lined with grapevines. A small greenhouse full of spices and herbs, small vegetables ( carrots, sweet potatoes, pie pumpkins, bell peppers), and tomatoes that was waiting for a bed outside of their own.

The thing that stood outside the most was a pergola surrounded by ferns in the middle of it all. The bleached cobblestone patio lead to it from both entrances, it being quaint and peaceful.

" What is this?" Emma says, not impressed.

"Fern's garden....a remake of it anyways. Isaak says hers was prettier."

"And I care why?"

"Fern used to be Isaak's girl way back when. She used to be really sick and all he wanted to do was help her....then Passion took her away from him. He can't even remember her face....just the garden she loved so much."

Emma nodded, looking at the garden with a new light.

"There's a bar in the pergoia where sometimes he'd sit and drink. Think back on all the people Passion took from him."

"Must suck, always being surrounded by his ex lovers."

"Its nice that he wants to have a memory of them....now that they are gone...I mean. It makes me hope that maybe I can be the same one day."

Emma blinks at Peyton, letting the words sink in. Peyton must really love this guy.

"Isaak is a good person, just tough around the edges...and a few layers deep...but I know he wouldn't make a deal with you if he didn't care and wasn't willing to help you."

Emma nods.

A Ruff Relationship And A Purrrfect EndingWhere stories live. Discover now