Episode 1 - It follows

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National City was saved once again, by Supergirl, by Lena Luthor, by the DEO. Lena Luthor felt as if she had done nothing because the people didn't think differently of her even though she had saved the city multiple times.

As usual, she sat by her desk and did paper work, kind of hoping someone would walk in that door, thanking her for her help. She was interrupted as she heard a swish in her balcony door. ''You scared me'', Lena got up from her chair and walked towards Supergirl. ''I didn't mean too'', she replied polite. ''I may be drawing a line here, but are you okay'', Lena noticed that Kara didn't look to happy. ''Yeah, I am fine. It's been a really long day. Saving the world, it's exhausting, but necessary'', Kara put on a fake smile. ''Yeah, it sure is. Anyways, you have come here for a reason, anything I can do for you'', Lena tried to brighten the hero up, but at this moment, it seemed impossible. ''Yes, I wanted to thank you for your help. Without you, I couldn't have done it'', Kara went in for a hug, because she really needed it as well. ''Of course'', Lena could feel Supergirl melt into her embrace. It felt familiar. ''Have you spoken to Kara'', Lena asked. ''About what'', she questioned. ''Mike? Mon-El? He had to leave earth right? Or I don't know if he died'', Lena saw Kara's face drop. ''I haven't. I have to go. Thanks again'', Kara ran out and flew away.

Lena searched her pockets for her phone, she scrolled through her contact list and stopped at Kara Danvers. ''Kara, hi. I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my office and have dinner with me'', Lena asked. ''Yeah, sure. I'll be right there'', Kara hung up. 10 minutes later there was a knock at Lena's office door. ''Come in'', Lena shouted. Kara entered, and Lena got up from her couch and put her arms around Kara right away. ''What is it'', Kara was surprised, but still accepted the hug. ''Kara, are you okay'', Lena broke the hug to look at Kara. ''I am okay. It's better this way'', she was quite sad, but looked as though she had accepted her faith with the slave owner. ''You have to tell me everything'', Lena grabbed Kara's hand and led her to the couch. ''Really, there's nothing to tell'', Kara said and grabbed the food from the bag that she brought. ''You do know that he was an alien, right'', Lena looked confused. ''Lena, of course I know. I am fine really, and I'm just happy that the world is saved'', Kara said with her mouth full of rice. Lena could for sure see that Kara was broken, ''Lena, don't look at me like that. The future is brighter, I just feel it'', Kara addressed Lena staring at her like a puppy. ''I am just worried. You do know that I am here for you'', Lena put her hand on Kara's knee. ''Yeah, you're my best friend, and I absolutely know that'', Kara smiled. They somehow, always made each other feel better.

Later in the evening, Kara went over to Alex's place. She really needed to speak to Alex, and she hadn't heard from her after they spoke on the DEO balcony. ''Alex'', Kara knocked on her apartment door. She knocked, and she knocked, but there were no response. ''Damn it'', she used her heat vision to see through the door, and the balcony door was open. Kara went outside and flew into the apartment. She heard noices coming from the bathroom, so she just sat down in the couch and waited. After 20 minutes of waiting, Alex walked out of the bathroom in a bathrobe, ''Kara'', she was shocked by the women suddenly in her apartment. Right behind Alex, Maggie followed wearing the same. ''Omg, I am so sorry'', Kara said and turned around. ''It's fine'', Maggie grabbed her clothing that were laying around the apartment, and went into the bathroom and got dressed. ''Kara, you can turn around. Is everything okay'', Alex went and sat down with Kara. ''Yeah, I am fine. I just need you to remind me why it's a good thing that Mon-El is gone, because I'm trying to remind myself why and I just need you to tell me so I can forget all about him'', Kara said teary eyed. ''Kara, it's okay that you're sad. Mon-El, he was a selfish and a former slave owner. He only cared about himself. He hurt you multiple times, and it's just better this way. Okay'', Alex leaned in to give Kara a hug. ''You're right'', Kara sank into her sister's arms. ''Is everything okay in here'', Maggie said walking out of the bathroom. ''Yeah babe, everything is fine'', Alex replied. Maggie sat down next to the sisters, and gave Alex a peck on the cheek. ''So are we gonna tell her'', Maggie put her arm around Alex. ''Tell me what'', Kara looked really suspicious. ''That we're engaged'', Alex smiled brighter than ever. ''You're ENGAGED'', Kara got up from the couch. Alex and Maggie looked at each other with the cutest smile, and nodded. ''Congratulations you guys! I am so happy for you'', Kara leaned down to give them both a hug. ''How about a glass of wine'', Kara suggested.

Back at Lena's office, she got an unexpected visitor. ''Mom, what are you doing here'', Lena got up from her office chair. ''I need to speak to you, Lena'', Lillian looked angry in some way. ''I told you I never wanted to see you again'', Lena pored herself a glass of scotch. ''Aren't you gonna offer your mother something'', Lilian made her way to the couch. ''We both know you didn't come here to have a friendly conversation. Either you want something, or there's something you're not happy with. So which one is it'', Lena went to her desk again. ''Why would trust Supergirl over me with the remote'', Lillian looked furious for some reason. ''What do you mean? I knew that you wouldn't listen to me'', Lena said confused about the question. ''What I mean is that Supergirl, being involved with a Daxamite, that put the population to risk'', Lillian immediately heard what she had said. ''What do you mean Supergirl being involved with a Daxamite'', Lena looked worried. ''What I mean is that Supergirl and Kara Danvers are close friends, and Supergirl didn't want to hurt Kara by turning it on to early or at all. It was a risk'', Lillian tried to save herself. ''I knew Supergirl would do the right thing. Now please, I have work to do'', Lena opened her computer, and ignored her mothers looks. ''If you say so'', Lillian said and left. 

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