Episode 7 - Kara or Supergirl?

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''I need to see you'', Kara paced back and forth in her apartment talking on the phone with Lena, ''Umm, I mean, I have wine and the new episode of Wynonna Earp airs tonight'', Kara corrected her sentenced, and Lena replied with a giggle. ''Kara, I would love too! I'll come over after work'', Lena said. ''Great, see you then'', Kara ended the call.

''Hey'', Lena gave Kara a hug before she made herself comfortable. ''You're not wearing you're work clothes'', Kara questioned. ''No, I went home and put on something more casual. I can't be all uptight for a night like this'', Lena winked. ''Hah, well I hope you're prepared for this episode, I hear it's a good one'', Kara sat down next to Lena. ''I hope so'', Lena poured herself a glass of wine, ''You want'', she looked at Kara. ''Yes, please'', Kara nodded.

''Kara, you sure you're okay? I think you had a little too much to drink'', Lena put a hand on Kara's shoulder. ''I-m, I-mm fine'', Kara stuttered. ''I think you should lay down. Maybe the game changers in Wynonna Earp aren't good for you'', Lena tried to make Kara feel better. ''I think you're right about both, but there's something I have to tell you first'', Kara sank down in the sofa. ''What'', Lena tried to keep Kara awake, but the hero was exhausted and drunk. ''Oh, Kara'', Lena put a blanket around Kara and tucked her in. She cleaned the place, and went to see if Kara was okay, then she noticed that she had fallen asleep with her glasses on. As Lena removed the glasses she felt as though something in their relationship came together. ''Why wouldn't she tell me this'', Lena whispered to herself. Lena put Kara's glasses aside and left her a post-it note. ''As if the end of Wynonna Earp wasn't enough'', Lena mumbled to herself.
The next day Kara Danvers woke up, and she noticed that her apartment was cleaner than usual, that's when she noticed her glasses laying on table. Under the glasses, there was a note, ''I cleaned up after last night, btw, good morning Supergirl – Lena'', Kara dropped her glasses to the floor, ''Shit''.

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