Episode 3 - Surprise

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''To finish off, I just wanted to thank everyone for coming and being so open minded'', Lena thanked everyone and left the stage. ''You did great Ms. Luthor'', Maggie shook Lena's hand. Alex gave her a hug. ''I am happy for you Lena'', Winn raised his hand to give Lena a high five, but they just laughed. ''Well done, Ms. Luthor'', J'onn said. ''Thank you everyone, where's Kara'', Lena searched for Kara. ''She went backstage to wait for you'', James pointed at the direction Kara left.

''Kara? Are you in here'', Lena entered the waiting room backstage. Behind Lena, Kara walked up on her, ''Why wouldn't you tell me'', Kara was clearly upset. ''I wasn't ready and that's why I wanted you to be here today'', Lena stepped closer to Kara. ''Lena, you say that you weren't ready. Why, don't you trust me'', Kara took a step back. ''I do, it's not like I know everything about you either'', Lena felt some anger, ''Why can't you just be supportive, Kara'', Lena's eyes felt watery. ''You're right, you're right. I'm sorry. I was just caught off guard'', Kara approached Lena, because suddenly she remembered that she's got a huge secret of her own. ''It's okay, I just, I need you'', Lena melted into Kara's hug. ''I know, I am sorry and I am so proud of you. You were amazing. Maybe you should become a reporter, you're writing skills are amazing'', Kara complimented Lena. ''Hah, well I must admit, my secretary Jess helped me with the first bit'', Lena confessed. ''Well, it was still great. Moving forward, did Alex and Maggie leave'', Kara asked. ''Yeah, they did, why'', Lena went to the fridge and got herself a drink. ''I need to speak to the them'', Kara walked towards the door. ''You're leaving'', Lena grabbed Kara's arm. ''Yeah, I need to speak to Alex'', Kara turned to Lena. ''I was kind of hoping you'd have dinner with me'', Lena made puppy eyes. ''I can't today. Later this week, okay'', Kara gives Lena a quick goodbye hug before she walks out the door. ''Sure'', Lena shouts after Kara.

''She's gay, and she didn't tell. Ever. After all those private conversations that we had, she never even mentioned it'', Kara bursted into Alex and Maggie's apartment. ''Kara, calm down. It's a very hard thing to talk about, I mean we would know'', Alex tried to calm her down. ''I get that, I'm just confused'', Kara said, ''It doesn't make any sense. I mean she dated Jack'', Kara was pacing around the apartment. ''Kara, I dated men and I am gay. Even though she dated him, maybe he was just someone she cared about, but didn't feel comfortable being intimate with. Or like any man'', Alex felt related to the situation. ''Can I just say something'', Maggie cut in. ''Please do'', Kara kept pacing. ''This makes total sense to me'', she raised an eyebrow at the sisters. ''What do you mean'', Alex and Kara looked at Maggie waiting for a good explanation. ''Lena being gay makes total sense, because that would explain the way she looks at you, Kara, and the way she acts around you'', Maggie replied. ''What, no. That's crazy'', Kara felt her heart raise. ''Kara, she looks at you like you're the only one in the room'', Maggie said, ''I would know. I look at your sister the same way'', Maggie smiled at Alex. ''I think I'm gonna pass out'', Kara said laying down on the couch. ''You okay? I'm not sure I should tell you more'', Maggie looked concerned over at Kara who covered her face with both of her hands. ''I'm fine, and no, keep going. I need more examples'', Kara was in shock, this couldn't be true. ''Well, remember that time when I arrested Lena'', Kara nodded. ''Lena was like she wanted you to stay, and the only thing she said when I was interrogating was, ''I don't care if you don't believe me, just make sure Kara does'', and she was like broken'', Maggie went and sat down next to Kara. ''Why didn't you tell me this before'', Kara questioned. ''First of all I'm actually not allowed too, but I swear Lena was a mess. And to more recently events. At her conference, she looked at you during the whole thing. Like she stared, but not in a creepy way'', Maggie continued. ''Yeah, I noticed that as well'', Alex said. ''So, what do I do'', Kara felt the blood rush in her body.

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