Episode 14 - Where it all began

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''Kara, I'm so sorry about yesterday. I have no interest in having a relationship like this'', Lena said, ''so I'm going to-'', but before Lena could finish her sentence Kara interrupted her. ''I have no interest in it either. I know that this week has been really rough, but I think we need to pull back a little, at least until you figure it out. Then you won't have to feel so guilty, and I can keep a straight face at work when I see her'', Kara could barely keep it together. ''Kara, where is all this coming from'', Lena didn't understand. ''You don't get it. I am too far in it'', Kara started crying. ''Listen to me, I understand that you're scared'', Lena put her hands on Kara's face, ''and you have so many reasons to be scared and not fully trust me, but don't you know by now what I want, Kara'', Lena started crying as well, ''I have never lied to you, Kara, and I never will'', Lena continued. ''At this point, Lena, I can't say I know that'', Kara hesitated. ''You don't believe me'', Lena pulled back a little, '' I have always trusted you even after you revealed that you're Supergirl. I have never doubted you'', Lena pulled back a little. ''Lena, I knew what I was getting into. It is what it is, but I just don't think I can do it'', Kara wiped away her tears. ''Kara'', Lena fell totally apart. ''I'm sorry, Lena, but it seems like you can't make a decision, and I can't bare with it anymore'', Kara got up from the bench, ''I love you, but I can't be you're second choice anymore'', Kara turned her back to Lena and walked away. ''Kara, you don't understand. I want you, I want you and no one else'', Lena shouted after Kara, ''and I'm going to prove it''.
Lena took a few minutes before she started walking towards the L Corp building. When she entered the lobby, she was met by Jess, ''You have a visitor, she's in the office'', the secretary opened the doors to Lena's office. ''Kara'', Lena said as she entered the office. ''So, this is where it all began, huh'', Lena was shocked to see Selma in her office, she had obviously been crying. ''What are you talking about'', Lena said confused. ''You and Kara. She's the love of your life, am I right? I mean she must be, because you said that you would never hurt me'', Selma turned around to face Lena after only staring out of Lena's office windows. ''Selma, I'', Lena didn't know what to say. ''You know, I have never seen you look at someone the way you look at her, not me, the way you hold her, the way you kiss her, I mean, I can only dream of it'', Selma sat down on Lena's couch and was surprisingly calm. ''Selma, how did you find out'', Lena sat down, speechless, next to Selma. ''I had my morning jog in the park, and imagine my face when I saw you two in each other's arms'', Selma barely got the words out of her mouth. ''Selma, I was going to tell you'', Lena said, '' but you're right, she's the love of my life. And I never wanted to hurt you, but I just couldn't tell you. I knew that she was the one the first time I saw her, and I'm sorry you got caught up in this mess'', Lena could barely keep it together. ''So, this is it huh'', Selma wiped her tears. ''Yes'', Lena was so sorry that she had hurt Selma, but Kara, was the one she loved, the one she would do anything for, ''and, Selma, again, I'm so sorry'', Lena didn't know what to do with herself. ''Lena, I am of course hurt, and it'll take time to heal, but there's nothing I can do about this situation. I mean, I've hung out with both you and Kara, and I think that maybe I just didn't want to realise that you're meant to be. And when I saw you at the park the other day, there's a reason I didn't confront you, because I understand. The way you guys just let each other be in each other's embrace is inspiring, and I got that from seeing you together once. So, don't think about me anymore, I'll find happiness again. And you have to fix things with Kara and be together. And also, after everything with us, I don't want you to feel bad for anything. Be happy, Lena'', Selma grabbed Lena's hand. ''I don't deserve you, Selma'', Lena said with a soft voice, ''but can I ask, how did you know things aren't okay with Kara'', Lena asked confused. ''Well, when we first got together, you and Kara had an argument, and you had that same look on your face then as you did now when you entered the room before'', Selma smirked. ''Well, things got complicated'', Lena said, ''but I have myself to thank for that''.

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