Episode 16 - A Luthor and A Super

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''How did it go'', Maggie whispered when Alex entered the apartment. ''Come here'', Alex said and walked into the bathroom. When they entered the bathroom, Alex wrapped her arms around Maggie and just took a minute to breath. ''Alex'', Maggie put her hands on Alex face, ''is the situation bad'', she asked. ''No'', Alex kissed Maggie, she was exhausted and just needed her fiancée for a moment.
Alex told Maggie everything in the bathroom that afternoon, thinking her little sister was asleep on the couch. What she didn't know, was that Kara Danvers, also known as Supergirl, she heard everything that Alex told Maggie in the bathroom.
''Alex, we have to tell Kara about this'', Maggie was left speechless by everything Lena had said. They had no idea what was going on. They opened the bathroom door, but when they entered the living room to talk to Kara, Kara wasn't there. ''Fuck'', Alex said, ''She must have heard everything'', Maggie continued.
When the night struck National City, Kara entered Lena's apartment through the balcony door, dressed as Supergirl. She had been fighting, and was obviously tired. ''Kara'', Lena ran towards her, ''are you hurt, I mean are you okay'', Lena said and embraced Kara carefully with a hug. They hadn't felt each others touch in weeks, and Kara absolutely melted. ''Those things that Alex told Maggie, are they true'', Kara glanced at Lena. ''What things'', Lena was a little confused. ''I know that you guys talked, and Alex told everything to Maggie. What you said, everything, was it true'', Kara asked again. ''Of course'', Lena said with a nod. Lena's words, somehow, just made Kara cry even more. ''What is it'', Lena didn't know how to comfort Kara. She had never seen her this broken before. ''Lena, I am so sorry for everything'', Kara took a deep breath, ''I didn't believe you and I said stuff, stuff that I didn't mean. I should've listened to you, and we should have figured out of it all together. I'm sorry, I am an idiot'', Kara pushed Lena away and started walking towards the balcony door, but before Kara could fly away, Lena grabbed her arm. ''Don't walk away again, or fly again or whatever'', Lena pulled Kara back into the apartment, ''I think we've both said and done stuff that we aren't proud of, but I think that we also need to forgive ourselves and each other'', Lena stepped closer to Kara. ''I want to be with you, Kara. I think we deserve a second chance, because so far, everything has been messed up'', Lena said, and as she took one step closer to the women in front of her, she smashed her lips against hers. They were reunited again. A Luthor and A Super.
''Lena, you have no idea how much I have missed you'', Kara said when she pulled back a little, ''I love you'', she said. ''Kara Danvers, I love you too'', Lena replied, and ones again kissed her soulmate.
''Remember one of the first time we worked together'', Kara said waking up next to Lena the next morning. ''I do'', Lena said, ''Wait, what time'', Lena laughed. ''Well, I'll quote you, <<Who would have thought, A Luthor and A Super working together>>, and I just wanted to tell you that I have a new quote for you'', Kara laughed a bit, ''Okay, here we go, <<Who would have thought, A Luthor and A Super fuck-'', Kara was interrupted by her cellphone. ''Fucking together. That's my quote, but now it's ruined because of this stupid phone'', she said laughing, and answered the phone. Kara looked at Lena with a concerned look on her face. ''They need me to come to work, like right now at Cat Co'', Kara hurried out of bed and started getting dressed. ''Selma, she talked to Snapper Carr 'bout the whole thing that's been going on, and he's publishing a whole story about it. This can be like one of those cheating scandal stories'', Kara had gotten dressed so fast, and was already ready to leave. ''But, she was okay'', Lena questioned. ''Lena, I know this is messed up, but you have to come with me'', Kara begged. ''Of course, I'll come with you'', Lena got out of bed and got dressed.

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